""" config.py Saves configuration in file as json file """ import json import os # path to save the configuration file filename = os.path.expanduser(r"~/Documents/fishy_config.json") class Config: def __init__(self): """ cache the configuration in a dict for faster access, if file is not found initialize the dict """ self.config_dict = json.loads(open(filename).read()) if os.path.exists(filename) else dict() def get(self, key, default=None): """ gets a value from configuration, if it is not found, return the default configuration :param key: key of the config :param default: default value to return if key is not found :return: config value """ return self.config_dict[key] if key in self.config_dict else default def set(self, key, value, save=True): """ saves the configuration is cache (and saves it in file if needed) :param key: key to save :param value: value to save :param save: False if don't want to save right away """ self.config_dict[key] = value if save: self.save_config() def delete(self, key): """ deletes a key from config :param key: key to delete """ del self.config_dict[key] self.save_config() def save_config(self): """ save the cache to the file """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.config_dict))