import logging import math import time import typing import cv2 import numpy as np if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.engine import FullAuto from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.mode.imode import IMode from pynput import keyboard, mouse from fishy.helper.config import config mse = mouse.Controller() kb = keyboard.Controller() offset = 0 def get_crop_coods(window): img = window.get_capture() img = cv2.inRange(img, 0, 1) cnt, h = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) """ code from """ for i in range(len(cnt)): area = cv2.contourArea(cnt[i]) if 5000 < area < 100000: mask = np.zeros_like(img) cv2.drawContours(mask, cnt, i, 255, -1) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt[i]) return x, y + offset, x + w, y + h - offset def _update_factor(key, value): full_auto_factors = config.get("full_auto_factors", {}) full_auto_factors[key] = value config.set("full_auto_factors", full_auto_factors) def _get_factor(key): return config.get("full_auto_factors", {}).get(key) class Calibrator(IMode): def __init__(self, engine: 'FullAuto'): self._callibrate_state = -1 self.engine = engine @property def move_factor(self): return _get_factor("move_factor") @property def rot_factor(self): return _get_factor("rot_factor") # endregion def all_calibrated(self): return self.move_factor is not None and \ self.rot_factor is not None and \ self.move_factor != 0 and \ self.rot_factor != 0 def toggle_show(self): self.engine.show_crop = not self.engine.show_crop def _walk_calibrate(self): walking_time = 3 coods = self.engine.get_coords() if coods is None: return x1, y1, rot1 = coods'w') time.sleep(walking_time) kb.release('w') time.sleep(0.5) coods = self.engine.get_coords() if coods is None: return x2, y2, rot2 = coods move_factor = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) / walking_time _update_factor("move_factor", move_factor)"walk calibrate done") def _rotate_calibrate(self): from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.engine import FullAuto rotate_times = 50 coods = self.engine.get_coords() if coods is None: return _, _, rot2 = coods for _ in range(rotate_times): mse.move(FullAuto.rotate_by, 0) time.sleep(0.05) coods = self.engine.get_coords() if coods is None: return x3, y3, rot3 = coods if rot3 > rot2: rot3 -= 360 rot_factor = (rot3 - rot2) / rotate_times _update_factor("rot_factor", rot_factor)"rotate calibrate done") def run(self): self._walk_calibrate() self._rotate_calibrate() config.set("calibrate", False)"calibration done")