from enum import Enum from pynput.keyboard import Key class Control: """ Input system for the bot. variables current: current mode of the input controls: Maps different key to different keyword depending on the current mode """ current = 0 class Keywords(Enum): """ Enums which define different functionality to be called used in `` to run different code depending on which keyword is used """ SwitchMode = "switch mode" StartPause = "start/pause" Debug = "debug" Stop = "stop" ClearPrintOnce = "clear print once" controls = [ { "name": "SYSTEM", "controls": [ [Keywords.SwitchMode, Key.f8], [Keywords.StartPause, Key.f9], [Keywords.Stop, Key.f11] ] }, { "name": "DEBUG", "controls": [ [Keywords.SwitchMode, Key.f8], [Keywords.ClearPrintOnce, Key.f9], [Keywords.Debug, Key.f10], ] } ] @staticmethod def getControlHelp(): """ creates a control help string depending on the current mode :return: string """ s = "\n\nCurrent Mode: " + Control.get()["name"]+"\n" for c in Control.controls[Control.current]["controls"]: try: s += c[0].value + ": " + c[1].name + "\n" except AttributeError: s += c[0].value + ": " + c[1] + "\n" return s @staticmethod def get(): """ returns the controls current mode control array :return: control array """ return Control.controls[Control.current] @staticmethod def find(key): """ converts key into the control keyword :param key: key pressed :return: corresponding keyword """ for c in Control.get()["controls"]: if key == c[1]: return c return None @staticmethod def nextState(): """ Changes the current mode """ Control.current += 1 if Control.current >= len(Control.controls): Control.current = 0