""" fishing_event.py Defines different fishing modes (states) which acts as state for state machine also implements callbacks which is called when states are changed """ import logging import time from fishy.engine.semifisher import fishing_mode from playsound import playsound from fishy import web from fishy.engine.semifisher.fishing_mode import State, FishingMode from fishy.helper import helper import keyboard from fishy.helper.config import config class FishEvent: fishCaught = 0 totalFishCaught = 0 stickInitTime = 0 fish_times = [] hole_start_time = 0 FishingStarted = False previousState = State.IDLE # initialize these action_key = 'e' collect_r = False uid = None sound = False def init(): subscribe() FishEvent.action_key = config.get("action_key", 'e') FishEvent.uid = config.get("uid") FishEvent.sound = config.get("sound_notification", False) def unsubscribe(): if fisher_callback in fishing_mode.subscribers: fishing_mode.subscribers.remove(fisher_callback) def subscribe(): if fisher_callback not in fishing_mode.subscribers: fishing_mode.subscribers.append(fisher_callback) if FishingMode.CurrentMode == State.LOOK: fisher_callback(FishingMode.CurrentMode) def fisher_callback(event: State): callbacks_map = {State.HOOK: on_hook, State.LOOK: on_look, State.IDLE: on_idle, State.STICK: on_stick} callbacks_map[event]() FishEvent.previousState = event def on_hook(): """ called when the fish hook is detected increases the `fishCaught` and `totalFishCaught`, calculates the time it took to catch presses e to catch the fish """ FishEvent.fishCaught += 1 FishEvent.totalFishCaught += 1 time_to_hook = time.time() - FishEvent.stickInitTime FishEvent.fish_times.append(time_to_hook) logging.info("HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK....... " + str(FishEvent.fishCaught) + " caught " + "in " + str( round(time_to_hook, 2)) + " secs. " + "Total: " + str(FishEvent.totalFishCaught)) keyboard.press_and_release(FishEvent.action_key) if FishEvent.collect_r: time.sleep(0.1) keyboard.press_and_release('r') time.sleep(0.1) def on_look(): """ presses e to throw the fishing rod """ keyboard.press_and_release(FishEvent.action_key) def on_idle(): if FishEvent.fishCaught > 0: web.send_hole_deplete(FishEvent.uid, FishEvent.fishCaught, time.time() - FishEvent.hole_start_time, FishEvent.fish_times) FishEvent.fishCaught = 0 if FishEvent.previousState == State.HOOK: logging.info("HOLE DEPLETED") else: logging.info("FISHING INTERRUPTED") if FishEvent.sound: playsound(helper.manifest_file("sound.mp3"), False) def on_stick(): FishEvent.stickInitTime = time.time() FishEvent.FishingStarted = True if FishEvent.fishCaught == 0: FishEvent.hole_start_time = time.time() FishEvent.fish_times = []