Adam Saudagar a964c65776 full auto bug fixing
- changed engine.toggle_start to abstract method
- check for state before turning off bot engine
- added and corrected logging messages for contorls and calibration
- callibrate._get_factor returning None fixed
- optimized controls
- removed config for show crop
- recorder now runs asksaveasfile in gui thread and blocks itself till resoponse
- corrrected logic for saving failed files
- semifisher dont log started bot engine if not ran from gui
- added file name label in full auto config top
- call in thread now can return values
- gui now saves location when closed
- dynamic config location, now uses correct document folder if config file is not found in incorrect document folder
2020-12-01 02:34:33 +05:30

95 lines
3.2 KiB

import logging
import os
import typing
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from fishy.helper import helper
from fishy import web
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
from fishy.helper.config import config
from fishy.helper.popup import PopUp
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from fishy.gui import GUI
def start_fullfisher_config(gui: 'GUI'):
top = PopUp(helper.empty_function, gui._root, background=gui._root["background"])
controls_frame = Frame(top)
def file_name():
file = config.get("full_auto_rec_file", None)
if file is None:
return "Not Selected"
return os.path.basename(file)
def select_file():
file = askopenfilename(filetypes=[('Python Files', '*.fishy')])
if not file:
logging.error("file not selected")
config.set("full_auto_rec_file", file)"loaded {file}")
file_name_label = StringVar(value=file_name())
Label(controls_frame, textvariable=file_name_label).grid(row=0, column=0)
Button(controls_frame, text="Select fishy file", command=select_file).grid(row=0, column=1)
Label(controls_frame, text="Use semi-fisher config for rest").grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2)
controls_frame.pack(padx=(5, 5), pady=(5, 5))
def start_semifisher_config(gui: 'GUI'):
def save():
gui.config.set("action_key", action_key_entry.get(), False)
gui.config.set("borderless", borderless.instate(['selected']), False)
gui.config.set("sound_notification", sound.instate(['selected']), False)
def toggle_sub():
if web.is_subbed(config.get("uid"))[0]:
if web.unsub(config.get("uid")):
if web.sub(config.get("uid")):
top = PopUp(save, gui._root, background=gui._root["background"])
controls_frame = Frame(top)
Label(controls_frame, text="Notification:").grid(row=0, column=0)
gui._notify = IntVar(0)
gui._notify_check = Checkbutton(controls_frame, command=toggle_sub, variable=gui._notify)
gui._notify_check.grid(row=0, column=1)
gui._notify_check['state'] = DISABLED
is_subbed = web.is_subbed(config.get('uid'))
if is_subbed[1]:
gui._notify_check['state'] = NORMAL
Label(controls_frame, text="Fullscreen: ").grid(row=1, column=0, pady=(5, 5))
borderless = Checkbutton(controls_frame, var=BooleanVar(value=config.get("borderless")))
borderless.grid(row=1, column=1)
Label(controls_frame, text="Action Key:").grid(row=2, column=0)
action_key_entry = Entry(controls_frame, justify=CENTER)
action_key_entry.grid(row=2, column=1)
action_key_entry.insert(0, config.get("action_key", "e"))
Label(controls_frame, text="Sound Notification: ").grid(row=3, column=0, pady=(5, 5))
sound = Checkbutton(controls_frame, var=BooleanVar(value=config.get("sound_notification")))
sound.grid(row=3, column=1)
controls_frame.pack(padx=(5, 5), pady=(5, 5))