mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:32:13 +00:00
- changed engine.toggle_start to abstract method - check for state before turning off bot engine - added and corrected logging messages for contorls and calibration - callibrate._get_factor returning None fixed - optimized controls - removed config for show crop - recorder now runs asksaveasfile in gui thread and blocks itself till resoponse - corrrected logic for saving failed files - semifisher dont log started bot engine if not ran from gui - added file name label in full auto config top - call in thread now can return values - gui now saves location when closed - dynamic config location, now uses correct document folder if config file is not found in incorrect document folder
156 lines
3.9 KiB
156 lines
3.9 KiB
import math
import logging
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.engine import FullAuto
from pynput import keyboard, mouse
from fishy.helper import hotkey
from fishy.helper.config import config
from fishy.helper.helper import wait_until
from fishy.helper.hotkey import Key
mse = mouse.Controller()
kb = keyboard.Controller()
offset = 0
def get_crop_coods(window):
img = window.get_capture()
img = cv2.inRange(img, 0, 1)
cnt, h = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
code from https://stackoverflow.com/a/45770227/4512396
for i in range(len(cnt)):
area = cv2.contourArea(cnt[i])
if 5000 < area < 100000:
mask = np.zeros_like(img)
cv2.drawContours(mask, cnt, i, 255, -1)
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt[i])
return x, y + offset, x + w, y + h - offset
def _update_factor(key, value):
full_auto_factors = config.get("full_auto_factors", {})
full_auto_factors[key] = value
config.set("full_auto_factors", full_auto_factors)
def _get_factor(key):
return config.get("full_auto_factors", {}).get(key)
class Calibrate:
def __init__(self, engine: FullAuto):
self._callibrate_state = -1
self.engine = engine
# region getters
def crop(self):
return _get_factor("crop")
def move_factor(self):
return _get_factor("move_factor")
def rot_factor(self):
return _get_factor("rot_factor")
def time_to_reach_bottom(self):
return _get_factor("time_to_reach_bottom")
# endregion
def all_callibrated(self):
return self.crop is not None and self.move_factor is not None and self.rot_factor is not None
def toggle_show(self):
self.engine.show_crop = not self.engine.show_crop
def update_crop(self, enable_crop=True):
if enable_crop:
self.engine.show_crop = True
crop = get_crop_coods(self.engine.window)
_update_factor("crop", crop)
self.engine.window.crop = crop
def walk_calibrate(self):
walking_time = 3
coods = self.engine.get_coods()
if coods is None:
x1, y1, rot1 = coods
coods = self.engine.get_coods()
if coods is None:
x2, y2, rot2 = coods
move_factor = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) / walking_time
_update_factor("move_factor", move_factor)
def rotate_calibrate(self):
rotate_times = 50
coods = self.engine.get_coods()
if coods is None:
_, _, rot2 = coods
for _ in range(rotate_times):
mse.move(FullAuto.rotate_by, 0)
coods = self.engine.get_coods()
if coods is None:
x3, y3, rot3 = coods
if rot3 > rot2:
rot3 -= 360
rot_factor = (rot3 - rot2) / rotate_times
_update_factor("rot_factor", rot_factor)
def time_to_reach_bottom_callibrate(self):
self._callibrate_state = 0
def _f8_pressed():
self._callibrate_state += 1
logging.info("look straight up and press f8")
hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.F8, _f8_pressed)
wait_until(lambda: self._callibrate_state == 1)
logging.info("as soon as you look on the floor, press f8 again")
y_cal_start_time = time.time()
while self._callibrate_state == 1:
mse.move(0, FullAuto.rotate_by)
time_to_reach_bottom = time.time() - y_cal_start_time
_update_factor("time_to_reach_bottom", time_to_reach_bottom)