Go to file
2020-04-17 18:38:26 +05:30
fishy gui logging configured 2020-04-17 18:38:26 +05:30
ProvisionsChalutier restructured project, added bat files to make it user friendly, added addon inside repo itself, changed addon to be fixed on top left 2019-11-13 17:31:39 +05:30
.gitignore restructured the code for packaging, created configuration for packaging 2020-04-15 16:57:26 +05:30
build.bat restructured the code for packaging, created configuration for packaging 2020-04-15 16:57:26 +05:30
LICENSE stopped using tensorflow, optimized the bot for better performance and better accuracy, added configuration instructions in readme, removed android project files from the repository 2019-02-05 15:12:23 +05:30
README.md restructured project, added bat files to make it user friendly, added addon inside repo itself, changed addon to be fixed on top left 2019-11-13 17:31:39 +05:30
requirements.txt Updated readme, removed fishy move stuff, reduced requirements, added total fish count 2019-06-22 15:31:53 +05:30
setup.py restructured the code for packaging, created configuration for packaging 2020-04-15 16:57:26 +05:30


Auto fishing bot for Elder Scrolls Online. The Bot automatically fishes until the fishing hole disappears. It can also send a notification to the users phone with the statistics of that fishing hole.

Don't forget to star this repository if you really liked it :)

Demo Video


Technology Stack

  • Python
  • cv2
  • docopt
  • numpy
  • pyautogui

How to configure

Project Requirements:

  • Download/Clone the project.
  • Copy Provision's Chalutier folder into Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns.
  • Install Python v3.7.3 (make sure you tick, Add Python to PATH).
  • Run install_modules.bat file.

Executing the Bot:

  • Start the game.
  • Run run_fishybot.bat file.
  • Optional: To add additional parameters, you will need to run the bot using powershell, to do so open powershell then use cd <project-dir> command, eg. cd C:\fishyboteso-master. Then type python fishy.py followed by the parameters you wish to use.

Starting fishing:

  • Press f9 to start the bot.
  • Look at a fishing hole, bot will automatically start fishing.
  • After the fishing is done, just move to next hole and look at it, fishing will start automatically.
  • IMPORTANT: Keep the window focus on the game, even when controlling the bot.

To increase the check rate of the bot, try changing --check-frequency option to less than 1, like python fishy.py --check-frequency 0.5

For Phone Notifications (Only Android)

  • Install notificationApp.apk from the project files in your phone.
  • Go to the app settings of the fishy app and allow all the notification permissions if you want the floating notification with sound.
  • Make sure your PC and your phone are on the same network.
  • Open the app and press the start service button.
  • Type python fishy.py --ip <local-ip> where local-ip is the ip you see in the App.
  • You can minimize the app but don't close it as the service will stop.


Will I get baned using this bot?

Botting does violate ESO's terms of service, so technically you could get banned. But this bot doesn't read or write memory from ESO so they won't know you are using a bot. This software doesn't come with any Liability or Warranty, I am not responsible if you do get banned.

How much automation does this bot provide?

It's not a fully automated bot, it does fishing on its own but you will have to move from one hole to another manually (although I was developing a fully automated bot, I didn't get a positive feedback from the community so I discontinued it)

Why am I getting this pip : The term 'pip' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.?

Python and Pip are not in path variables, follow this guide to add it.

I'm hitting the F9 key but nothing is happening

  • Certain keyboards have the F9 key assigned to another function. Try remapping your F9 key to its intended function.
  • Windows messing up with input. Try running powershell/cmd as admin. Then use cd <directory-of-fishybot> to get into the fishybot project folder. eg, cd C:\fishyboteso-master\.

The bot says look at a fishing hole before starting but I am looking at a fishing hole

The bot isn't able to detect the graphic/color created by Provision's Chalutier : Fishing Mod, this could be because,

  • Addon is not properly configured
    • Make sure you have copied the addon folder to Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns directory and turn on "Allow out of date addons" in ESO
  • Something is overlapping or bot can't find it
    • Make sure that the addon is aligned on top-left in the game.
    • Move the emoji by pressing the . key.
  • Post processing effects (turn it off).

If it is still not working, try disabling all other addons in ESO.

The bot says STARTED but nothing is happenin

[FIXED] This is a known issue with the bot, try reducing the window size of the game. Don't use it on fullscreen mode.

Bot doesn't work in full screen.

Run the bot with added option --borderless for starting the bot, like python fishy.py --borderless.

The bot catches the fish but doesn't press R to collect it

Run the bot with the added option --collect-r for starting the bot, like python fishy.py --collect-r


If you have any problems or you want to contact me for future ideas or want to collaborate in development you can contact me at the DefineX Community discord server.

Support Me

If you would like this project to continue its development, please consider supporting me on Patreon. You can make a one time donation on PayPal.


This project is licenced on the MIT License. Check out the full license over here.