; random_intro_on_menu_visit determines when a new random menu intro should be chosen. ; true: ensures a random intro gets picked each time the intro screen is opened instead of sticking to the one chosen at startup. ; false: chooses a random intro when launching the game and sticks to that for the entire session (standard Freelancer behavior). ; intro_amount specifies the amount of intro bases that are defined in universe.ini. ; Based on this amount, the random intro will be chosen in the range [1, n] (1 and n are both inclusive). ; If intro_amount is set to 0 or lower, the plugin will automatically determine the amount of available intros. ; However, this approach will generate a Spew warning each time the game is launched. ; If this matters to you, you might want to consider entering the intro amount manually. [Options] random_intro_on_menu_visit = true intro_amount = 4