Thank you for downloading Freelancer: HD Edition! Make sure you join our Discord server at so you always stay up to date with the latest news and information regarding the mod! Have something to contribute to make the mod even better? Feel free to create a pull request or feature request at . We are always open to new suggestions and improvements. Making the repository public has allowed us as a community to create the best possible HD mod for Freelancer out there since many modders from around the world have contributed to this project. If you encounter any issues related to this mod during installation or gameplay, please refer to the wiki at for potential solutions. In case none of these work, you may add an issue at and we'll look into it for you. You can also ask for help on the Discord server **NOTE** This mod is large, 3GB+ unpacked. Make sure you have at least 10 GB of free disk space to both unpack this mod and installing it. To continue the installation process, click "Yes".