@include FL_Dev.ini [DACOM] IgnoreDACOMEnv = true DllPath = .\ [Libraries] ;;;dosfile.dll ReadFile.dll ;optimized read-only version of dosfile.dll x86math.dll EngBase.dll system.dll RP8.dll SoundStreamer.dll SoundManager.dll Deformable2.dll Thorn.dll Shading.dll RendComp.dll alchemy.dll ximage.dll flmaterials.dll jflp.dll ; Jason's Freelancer Patch ;console.dll HudShift.dll MP3codec.dll MPRep.dll numeric.dll ranks.dll Territory.dll TurretZoom.dll max=1000 shift=100 ctrl=10 alt=2 s+c=0.2 c+a=0.1 switch=50 interval=250 adjust=0.85 flplusplus.dll WheelScroll.dll Zone.dll ;HudFacility.dll ;HudWeaponGroups.dll ;HudTarget.dll ;HudStatus.dll ;;EMAURER now include any DLLs used only in development. @include FL_DevOnlyLibs.ini [System] VMeshLibrary DirectX8 ; implements IID_IRenderPipeline, IID_IVertexBuffer under dx8 SoundManager SoundStreamer TextureLibrary MaterialAnimation MaterialBatcher Alchemy FxRuntime [Engine] Animation Hardpoint Deformable RenderManager FLAppearance VMeshWire [RenderManager] VMesh TriMesh ; keep trimesh above sphere mesh -- SphereMesh ; subsystems attempt to create objects in order listed [TriMesh] tristrips = 0 [RenderPipeline] MGSDB= FLConfigDatabase.txt ;DEVICE_GAMMA = false ; forces gamma control off ;TEXTURE_ALLOW_DXT = false ; forces dxtn support off ALPHAREF = 0 ; d3drenderstate: default alpha ref ALPHATESTENABLE = true ; d3drenderstate: basic alpha test ALPHAFUNC = 5 ; d3drenderstate: D3DCMP_GREATER LOCALVIEWER = false ; d3drenderstate: specular highlights zfunc = 4 ; default z compare func is D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL ;FPU_PRESERVE = false ; should Direct3D save and restore the FPU state every time it needs to modify the FPU state. ;MULTITHREADED = false ; request multithread-safe behavior. This causes Direct3D to take the global critical section more frequently. ; vertex processing flags are mutually exclusive ; regardless of what the user asks for if the device cant support hw-tl the user gets sw-tl HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING= true ;MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING= true ;SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING= true ;LOCAKABLE_BACKBUFFER= false ; should the device allow the backbuffer to be locked USE_SYSLOCK= false ; should resources (vb, ib, texture) take a windows wide critical lock when in use HANDLE_SWAPLOSS= false ; should rp attempt to handle device loss internally? ; a poor substitute for app-side management but makes tool building easier ;VIEWSPACE_LIGHTS = false ;TEXTURE_CUBEMAPS = false [;TextureLibrary] ;(TEXTURE_LOD_LOAD_MIN= 128) while this would work for other apps, Freelancer's perfoptions.ini will override whatever setting this has. [SoundManager] ;HEADPHONES 1, STERO 2, QUAD 7, SURROUND 8 ;speakerConfiguration = 2 ;set only if you want to override Windows setting createAll2dInSoftware = true 3D_SW_Algorithm = Light use2DHW = true use3DHW = true maxSoundChannels = 24 ; was 30. changed for Beta -psw ;pci - force HW mixing until Library default is changed FORCE_FREQ_CONTROL_TO_SW = false max3DPan = 15 [Alchemy] ;EMAURER added this line to fix problem with runtime alchemy running out of vertex buffer ;maxVertices and maxIndices are now determined by alchemy based on the particle pools ;Alchemy.maxVertices ~= 11100 ;Alchemy.maxIndices ~= 28200 Alchemy.useMaterialBatcher = false ; (note: 1000 is default poolsize) FxBasicAppearance.poolSize = 10000 ; each particle can generate: 4 verts 6, indices FxRectAppearance.poolSize = 4000 ; each particle can generate: 4 verts 6, indices FxPerpAppearance.poolSize = 2500 ; each particle can generate: 4 verts 6, indices FxOrientedAppearance.poolSize = 1000 ; each particle can generate: 4 verts 6, indices FLBeamAppearance.poolSize = 6800 ; custom app from flalchemy.dll: each particle can generate: 5 verts 24 indices FLDustAppearance.poolSize = 2500 ; custom app from flalchemy.dll: each particle can generate: 4 verts 6 indices ;---------------------- total = 26000 -------; ; FxMeshAppearance.poolSize = 5000 ; generates meshes not particles; need enough of these for all tradelane rings in a system. FxParticleAppearance.poolSize = 1000 ; generates effects not particles [BatchedMaterials] Type = .*OcOt [MaterialMap] ; evaluation of material map happens in reverse order listed so put more specific last ; -------- da standard maps ------------------------ DcDtEtTwo = DcDtEt ; jhood: spew complained about Two, so map it EcEtOcOt= DcDtOcOt ; EMAURER: exporter generates EcEtOcOt but there is no implementation of it right now. DcDtEcEt= DcDtEt ; STRAVIS: should already be happening but the exporters dont seem to be making the conversion ; -------- freelancer specific maps: from dalibs\shading.dll ------------------------ name = ^alpha_mask.* = DcDt ; these are materials that would otherwise get mapped to translucent textures and batched name = ^alpha_mask.*2side = DcDtTwo ; we arent using alpha for blending -- just for masking name = ^detailmap_.* = BtDetailMapMaterial name = ^tlr_material$ = NebulaTwo name = ^tlr_energy$ = NebulaTwo ; -------- freelancer materials: from flmaterials.dll ----------------- ;name = ^nomad.*$ = NomadMaterial ---> this must be commented out name = ^nomad.*$ = NomadMaterialNoBendy name = ^n-texture.*$ = NomadMaterialNoBendy name = ^ui_.* = HUDIconMaterial name = ^exclusion_.* = ExclusionZoneMaterial Name= ^c_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name= ^cv_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name= ^b_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name= ^k_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name= ^l_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name= ^r_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name = ^planet.*_glass$ = GFGlassMaterial Name = ^bw_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name = ^o_glass$ = HighGlassMaterial Name = ^anim_hud.*$ = HUDAnimMaterial name = ^sea_anim.*$ = PlanetWaterMaterial Name = ^null$ = NullMaterial