Jason's Freelancer Patch
				DLL Version 1.27

JFLP.DLL has several options to fine tune its control.	These are added straight
after its name in dacom.ini (e.g. "jflp.dll nofovx no8way").

nofovx: The fovx value in cameras.ini is always calculated according to the
	current resolution; overriding it is not possible.

nostats: Do not display the extra stats.

no4way: Prevent vertical strafing.

no8way: Prevent diagonal strafing.

The extra stats are for Powerplants, Engines, Scanners, Tractor Beams and Armor.
If you want to disable some, but not all as "nostats" does, add a non-breaking
space (Alt+0160) to the equipment's name - this will show the stat as "n/a" (not
available).  The original intention was for second-hand equipment, where it
should not be certain of what you were getting.


Legend: * changed, - fixed, + added.

v1.27, 5 August, 2023:

- Fix the LOD transition in widescreen.

v1.26, 20 May, 2021:

- More fixes for widescreen cinematics (no jump after transition).

* Preserve a patched widescreen ratio.

v1.25, 2 September, 2020:

- Fixed the size of the crosshair in widescreen.

v1.24, 31 August, 2020:

- Contact List text was not properly clipped in widescreen.

v1.23, 11 October, 2019:

- Cinematics in widescreen resolutions are properly letterboxed.

v1.22, 22 June, 2018.

- Fixed crash running under Steam (DLLs loaded at a different address).

v1.21, 25 July, 2012.

- Fixed crashes (particularly chat) due to a wrong patch address (ADDR_FONT4a).

+ Removed the "ArchDB::Get" FLSpew warning caused by random missions (jobs).

v1.20, 11 July, 2011.

+ Implemented Alt+Enter, to toggle between full screen and windowed.

+ Allow viewing of server info, even for different versions.

- Further widescreen improvements (adjust cameras and fonts when changing res-
  olution; fixed the news ticker; removed the "cockpit aspect" FLSpew warning).
  You can now freely change between 4:3 and widescreen resolutions without
  having to restart.  (Well, almost, scripts will still use the previous ratio.)

* The various versions have been combined into one, using options to select.

* fovx is always calculated; append '!' to override (e.g. "fovx = 70!").  This
  allows the original value to be preserved, should jflp.dll not be loaded.

v1.12, 6 December, 2010.

+ If an equipment name contains a non-breaking space (Alt+0160), display "n/a"
  (not available) instead of the actual stats (extra stats only).

+ NS versions to remove the extra stats display altogether (No Stats).

- Improved widescreen support (fixed mouse sensitivity; fixed script view;
  fixed Alt+Tab with the Nav Map open).

v1.11, 22 October, 2009.

+ If MultiCruise is being used, include the cruise speed in the Engine stats.

v1.10, 3 October, 2009.

- Freelancer actually tests if the resolution is 4:3, so your widescreen desktop
  resolution still wouldn't show up in the list (originally put down to using an
  unsupported windowed resolution).

* Use En Dash instead of Hyphen-Minus for the trade lane arrow (and chat
  prompt).  I had intended to use an actual arrow, but the Agency FB font
  doesn't have it.  (Using the angle quotation mark worked well for the Nav Map,
  but not so good anywhere else, so the greater-than sign remains.)

+ Added 8-way strafing.  Allows simultaneous keypresses to strafe diagonally.

+ Put the sector letter first (as in "Sector C4").  (FL Hack can be used to
  restore the number first.)

+ JFLPAC.DLL provides an anti-cheat for cameras.ini.  It prevents fovx and fovy
  from changing the camera, always using the calculated fovx value (although
  fovx must still be present in cameras.ini).

v1.01, 22 September, 2009.

+ Allow roll to work during mouse flight.