# REQUIRED SETTINGS ###################### # Primary Pi-hole host (in IP or DNS name) REMOTE_HOST='' # User account on primary with SUDO rights REMOTE_USER='pi' # STANDARD VARIABLES ######################### ### Installation Types # PH_IN_TYPE='' # Pi-hole install type, `default`, `docker`, or `podman` (local) # RH_IN_TYPE='' # Pi-hole install type, `default`, `docker`, or `podman` (remote) ### Pi-hole Folder/File Customization # PIHOLE_DIR='' # default Pi-hole data directory (local) # RIHOLE_DIR='' # default Pi-hole data directory (remote) # DNSMAQ_DIR='' # default DNSMASQ data directory (local) # RNSMAQ_DIR='' # default DNSMASQ data directory (remote) # PIHOLE_BIN='' # default Pi-hole binary directory (local) # RIHOLE_BIN='' # default Pi-hole binary directory (remote) # DOCKER_BIN='' # default Docker binary directory (local) # ROCKER_BIN='' # default Docker binary directory (remote) # PODMAN_BIN='' # default Podman binary directory (local) # RODMAN_BIN='' # default Podman binary directory (remote) # FILE_OWNER='' # default Pi-hole file owner and group (local) # RILE_OWNER='' # default Pi-hole file owner and group (remote) # DOCKER_CON='' # default Pi-hole container name (local) # ROCKER_CON='' # default Pi-hole container name (remote) # CONTAIMAGE='' # official Pi-hole container image # GRAVITY_FI='' # default Pi-hole database file # CUSTOM_DNS='' # default Pi-hole local DNS lookups # CNAME_CONF='' # default DNSMASQ CNAME alias file # GSLAN_CONF='' # default DNSMASQ GS managed file ### Interaction Customization # VERIFY_PASS='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # SKIP_CUSTOM='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # INCLUDE_CNAME='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # DATE_OUTPUT='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # PING_AVOID='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # ROOT_CHECK_AVOID='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite ### Backup Customization # BACKUP_RETAIN='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite ### SSH Customization # SSH_PORT='' # default SSH port # SSH_PKIF='' # default local SSH key ### GS Folder/File Locations # CONFIG_FILE='' # must exist with primary host/user configured # GS_FILENAME='' # must exist because it's this script # BACKUP_FOLD='' # must exist as subdirectory in LOCAL_FOLDR # LOG_PATH='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # SYNCING_LOG='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # CRONJOB_LOG='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite # HISTORY_MD5='' # replace in gravity-sync.conf to overwrite ### OS Settings # BASH_PATH='' # default OS bash path