From e4942b188f5c192d5693687698db9b106571332c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: syeopite <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 05:02:02 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Integrate transcript captions into captions API

 config/config.example.yml             |  13 +++
 src/invidious/               |   3 +
 src/invidious/routes/api/v1/ | 112 ++++++++++++++------------
 src/invidious/videos/       |  11 ++-
 src/invidious/videos/    |   6 ++
 5 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/config.example.yml b/config/config.example.yml
index 34070fe5..51beab89 100644
--- a/config/config.example.yml
+++ b/config/config.example.yml
@@ -182,6 +182,19 @@ https_only: false
+## Use Innertube's transcripts API instead of timedtext for closed captions
+## Useful for larger instances as InnerTube is **not ratelimited**. See
+## Subtitle experience may differ slightly on Invidious.  
+## Accepted values: true, false
+## Default: false
+# use_innertube_for_captions: false
 # -----------------------------
 #  Logging
 # -----------------------------
diff --git a/src/invidious/ b/src/invidious/
index e5f1e822..c88a4837 100644
--- a/src/invidious/
+++ b/src/invidious/
@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ class Config
   # Use quic transport for youtube api
   property use_quic : Bool = false
+  # Use Innertube's transcripts API instead of timedtext for closed captions
+  property use_innertube_for_captions : Bool = false
   # Saved cookies in "name1=value1; name2=value2..." format
   @[YAML::Field(converter: Preferences::StringToCookies)]
   property cookies : HTTP::Cookies =
diff --git a/src/invidious/routes/api/v1/ b/src/invidious/routes/api/v1/
index af4fc806..000e64b9 100644
--- a/src/invidious/routes/api/v1/
+++ b/src/invidious/routes/api/v1/
@@ -87,70 +87,78 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos
       caption = caption[0]
-    url = URI.parse("#{caption.base_url}&tlang=#{tlang}").request_target
+    if CONFIG.use_innertube_for_captions
+      params = Invidious::Videos::Transcript.generate_param(id, caption.language_code, caption.auto_generated)
+      initial_data = YoutubeAPI.transcript(params.to_s)
-    # Auto-generated captions often have cues that aren't aligned properly with the video,
-    # as well as some other markup that makes it cumbersome, so we try to fix that here
-    if "auto-generated"
-      caption_xml = YT_POOL.client &.get(url).body
+      webvtt = Invidious::Videos::Transcript.convert_transcripts_to_vtt(initial_data, caption.language_code)
+    else
+      # Timedtext API handling
+      url = URI.parse("#{caption.base_url}&tlang=#{tlang}").request_target
-      if caption_xml.starts_with?("<?xml")
-        webvtt = caption.timedtext_to_vtt(caption_xml, tlang)
-      else
-        caption_xml = XML.parse(caption_xml)
+      # Auto-generated captions often have cues that aren't aligned properly with the video,
+      # as well as some other markup that makes it cumbersome, so we try to fix that here
+      if "auto-generated"
+        caption_xml = YT_POOL.client &.get(url).body
-        webvtt = do |str|
-          str << <<-END_VTT
-          WEBVTT
-          Kind: captions
-          Language: #{tlang || caption.language_code}
+        if caption_xml.starts_with?("<?xml")
+          webvtt = caption.timedtext_to_vtt(caption_xml, tlang)
+        else
+          caption_xml = XML.parse(caption_xml)
+          webvtt = do |str|
+            str << <<-END_VTT
+            WEBVTT
+            Kind: captions
+            Language: #{tlang || caption.language_code}
-          END_VTT
+            END_VTT
-          caption_nodes = caption_xml.xpath_nodes("//transcript/text")
-          caption_nodes.each_with_index do |node, i|
-            start_time = node["start"].to_f.seconds
-            duration = node["dur"]?.try &.to_f.seconds
-            duration ||= start_time
+            caption_nodes = caption_xml.xpath_nodes("//transcript/text")
+            caption_nodes.each_with_index do |node, i|
+              start_time = node["start"].to_f.seconds
+              duration = node["dur"]?.try &.to_f.seconds
+              duration ||= start_time
-            if caption_nodes.size > i + 1
-              end_time = caption_nodes[i + 1]["start"].to_f.seconds
-            else
-              end_time = start_time + duration
+              if caption_nodes.size > i + 1
+                end_time = caption_nodes[i + 1]["start"].to_f.seconds
+              else
+                end_time = start_time + duration
+              end
+              start_time = "#{start_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{start_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}"
+              end_time = "#{end_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{end_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}"
+              text = HTML.unescape(node.content)
+              text = text.gsub(/<font color="#[a-fA-F0-9]{6}">/, "")
+              text = text.gsub(/<\/font>/, "")
+              if md = text.match(/(?<name>.*) : (?<text>.*)/)
+                text = "<v #{md["name"]}>#{md["text"]}</v>"
+              end
+              str << <<-END_CUE
+              #{start_time} --> #{end_time}
+              #{text}
+              END_CUE
-            start_time = "#{start_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{start_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}"
-            end_time = "#{end_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{end_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}"
-            text = HTML.unescape(node.content)
-            text = text.gsub(/<font color="#[a-fA-F0-9]{6}">/, "")
-            text = text.gsub(/<\/font>/, "")
-            if md = text.match(/(?<name>.*) : (?<text>.*)/)
-              text = "<v #{md["name"]}>#{md["text"]}</v>"
-            end
-            str << <<-END_CUE
-            #{start_time} --> #{end_time}
-            #{text}
-            END_CUE
-      end
-    else
-      # Some captions have "align:[start/end]" and "position:[num]%"
-      # attributes. Those are causing issues with VideoJS, which is unable
-      # to properly align the captions on the video, so we remove them.
-      #
-      # See:
-      webvtt = YT_POOL.client &.get("#{url}&format=vtt").body
-      if webvtt.starts_with?("<?xml")
-        webvtt = caption.timedtext_to_vtt(webvtt)
+        # Some captions have "align:[start/end]" and "position:[num]%"
+        # attributes. Those are causing issues with VideoJS, which is unable
+        # to properly align the captions on the video, so we remove them.
+        #
+        # See:
         webvtt = YT_POOL.client &.get("#{url}&format=vtt").body
-          .gsub(/([0-9:.]{12} --> [0-9:.]{12}).+/, "\\1")
+        if webvtt.starts_with?("<?xml")
+          webvtt = caption.timedtext_to_vtt(webvtt)
+        else
+          webvtt = YT_POOL.client &.get("#{url}&format=vtt").body
+            .gsub(/([0-9:.]{12} --> [0-9:.]{12}).+/, "\\1")
+        end
diff --git a/src/invidious/videos/ b/src/invidious/videos/
index c85b46c3..1e2abde9 100644
--- a/src/invidious/videos/
+++ b/src/invidious/videos/
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ module Invidious::Videos
     property language_code : String
     property base_url : String
-    def initialize(@name, @language_code, @base_url)
+    property auto_generated : Bool
+    def initialize(@name, @language_code, @base_url, @auto_generated)
     # Parse the JSON structure from Youtube
@@ -25,7 +27,12 @@ module Invidious::Videos
         language_code = caption["languageCode"].to_s
         base_url = caption["baseUrl"].to_s
-        captions_list <<, language_code, base_url)
+        auto_generated = false
+        if caption["kind"]? && caption["kind"] == "asr"
+          auto_generated = true
+        end
+        captions_list <<, language_code, base_url, auto_generated)
       return captions_list
diff --git a/src/invidious/videos/ b/src/invidious/videos/
index ec990883..ba2728cd 100644
--- a/src/invidious/videos/
+++ b/src/invidious/videos/
@@ -85,7 +85,13 @@ module Invidious::Videos
       lines = [] of TranscriptLine
       body.each do |line|
+        # Transcript section headers. They are not apart of the captions and as such we can safely skip them.
+        if line.as_h.has_key?("transcriptSectionHeaderRenderer")
+          next
+        end
         line = line["transcriptSegmentRenderer"]
         start_ms = line["startMs"].as_s.to_i.millisecond
         end_ms = line["endMs"].as_s.to_i.millisecond