2012-08-12 01:46:50 +00:00
echo "This script requires superuser access to install files to /etc."
echo "You will be prompted for your password by sudo."
# Clear existing sudo credentials
sudo -k
# run script as sudo
sudo sh <<SCRIPT
echo "\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Updating sources\033[m"
apt-get update
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Installing required packages\033[m"
apt-get install screen rsync zip
2012-08-13 01:21:57 +00:00
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Creating default user \"minecraft\"\033[m"
adduser --system minecraft
2012-08-13 01:22:07 +00:00
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Creating MSM directories\033[m"
mkdir -p /opt/msm
chown minecraft:minecraft /opt/msm
2012-08-12 02:56:11 +00:00
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Downloading latest MSM configuration file\033[m"
wget https://raw.github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/latest/msm.conf -O /etc/msm.conf
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Downloading latest MSM cron file\033[m"
wget https://raw.github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/latest/cron/msm -O /etc/cron.d/msm
2012-08-16 23:27:42 +00:00
service cron reload
2012-08-12 02:56:11 +00:00
2012-08-12 01:46:50 +00:00
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Downloading latest MSM version\033[m"
wget https://raw.github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/latest/init/msm -O /etc/init.d/msm
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Giving it the necessary permissions\033[m"
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/msm
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Enabling automatic startup and shutdown\033[m"
update-rc.d msm defaults
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Making MSM accessible as the command \"msm\"\033[m"
ln -s /etc/init.d/msm /usr/local/bin/msm
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Asking MSM to update itself\033[m"
2012-08-12 01:55:47 +00:00
/etc/init.d/msm update --noinput
2012-08-12 01:46:50 +00:00
echo "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: Done. Type \"msm help\" to get started. Have fun!\033[m"