<p>Periodically create <aclass="ga-track"href="http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Snapshots">WorldEdit compatible snapshots</a> and then restore regions in-game to protect against griefers. Or backup the entire server directory for complete protection.</p>
<p>As long as you have an <code>/etc/init.d</code> directory your good to go. MSM is only a single script written in bash, which automatically starts up and shuts down your Minecraft servers.</p>
<p>Group jar files according to where they where downloaded from. Make sure your server is always using the latest version, by automatically downloading new files.</p>
<p>Configure how MSM operates in the <code>/etc/msm.conf</code> file. Sensible defaults mean you won't need to alter much, but allow changing anything you can think of. </p>
<p>MSM watches a server's log file to determine exactly when a command has finished, making restarting, backing up and other non-instant actions return control as soon as possible.</p>
<p>Keep your players informed with specifc, dynamic and configurable in-game broadcasts. Warn players that a server is shutting before actually issuing the command.</p>
<p>As well as <aclass="ga-track"href="{{ site.baseurl }}docs/">detailed documentation</a>, and <aclass="ga-track"href="https://github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/issues">issue submissions</a>, bash completion makes remembering what to type a thing of the past. Just hit tab!</p>
<p>Readable code means less bugs, easier fixes, simpler updates, and lowers the learning curve for new contributors to the project. Why not <iframeclass="github-btn"src="http://markdotto.github.com/github-buttons/github-btn.html?user=marcuswhybrow&repo=minecraft-server-manager&type=fork&count=false"allowtransparency="true"frameborder="0"scrolling="0"width="55px"height="20px"></iframe> the code and start today.</p>
<p>Each version is <aclass="ga-track"href="http://travis-ci.org/#!/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager">checked</a> against shunit2 unit tests by <aclass="ga-track"href="http://travis-ci.org">travis-ci.org</a>.</p>