Replaced tabs with space in help output.

It's just easier to read and work with in the source code.
This commit is contained in:
Marcus Whybrow 2012-06-01 09:07:18 +01:00
parent 1af585f19c
commit bfe1e07d64

View File

@ -1473,57 +1473,57 @@ main() {
echo -e "Usage: $0 command:"
echo -e
echo -e "--Setup Commands------------------------------------------------"
echo -e " server list \t\t\t\t\tList servers"
echo -e " server create <name> \t\t\t\tCreates a new Minecraft server"
echo -e " server delete <name> \t\t\t\tDeletes an existing Minecraft server"
echo -e " server rename <name> <new-name> \t\tRenames an existing Minecraft server"
echo -e " server list List servers"
echo -e " server create <name> Creates a new Minecraft server"
echo -e " server delete <name> Deletes an existing Minecraft server"
echo -e " server rename <name> <new-name> Renames an existing Minecraft server"
echo -e
echo -e "--Server Mangement Commands-------------------------------------"
echo -e " <server> start \t\t\t\tStarts a server"
echo -e " <server> stop [now] \t\t\t\tStops a server after warning players, or right now"
echo -e " <server> restart [now] \t\t\tRestarts a server after warning players, or right now"
echo -e " <server> status \t\t\t\tShow the running/stopped status of a server"
echo -e " <server> connected \t\t\t\tList a servers connected players"
echo -e " <server> worlds list \t\t\t\tLists the worlds a server has"
echo -e " <server> worlds load \t\t\t\tCreates links to worlds in storage for a server"
echo -e " <server> worlds ram <world> \t\t\tToggles a world's \"in RAM\" status"
echo -e " <server> worlds todisk \t\t\tSynchronises any \"in RAM\" worlds to disk a server has"
echo -e " <server> worlds backup \t\t\tMakes a backup of all worlds a server has"
echo -e " <server> logroll \t\t\t\tMove a server log to a gziped archive, to reduce lag"
echo -e " <server> backup \t\t\t\tMakes a backup of an entire server directory"
echo -e " <server> jar <jargroup> [<file>] \t\tSets a server's jar file"
echo -e " <server> start Starts a server"
echo -e " <server> stop [now] Stops a server after warning players, or right now"
echo -e " <server> restart [now] Restarts a server after warning players, or right now"
echo -e " <server> status Show the running/stopped status of a server"
echo -e " <server> connected List a servers connected players"
echo -e " <server> worlds list Lists the worlds a server has"
echo -e " <server> worlds load Creates links to worlds in storage for a server"
echo -e " <server> worlds ram <world> Toggles a world's \"in RAM\" status"
echo -e " <server> worlds todisk Synchronises any \"in RAM\" worlds to disk a server has"
echo -e " <server> worlds backup Makes a backup of all worlds a server has"
echo -e " <server> logroll Move a server log to a gziped archive, to reduce lag"
echo -e " <server> backup Makes a backup of an entire server directory"
echo -e " <server> jar <jargroup> [<file>] Sets a server's jar file"
echo -e
echo -e "--Server Pass Through Commands----------------------------------"
echo -e " <server> wl on|off \t\t\t\tEnables/disables server whitelist checking"
echo -e " <server> wl add|remove <player> \t\tAdd/remove a player to/from a server's whitelist"
echo -e " <server> wl list \t\t\t\tList the players whitelisted for a server"
echo -e " <server> bl player add|remove <player> \tBan/pardon a player from/for a server"
echo -e " <server> bl ip add|remove <ip address> \tBan/pardon an IP address from/for a server"
echo -e " <server> bl list \t\t\t\tLists the banned players and IP address for a server"
echo -e " <server> op add|remove <player> \t\tAdd/remove operator status for a player on a server"
echo -e " <server> op list \t\t\t\tLists the operator players for a server"
echo -e " <server> gm survival|creative <player> \tChange the game mode for a player on a server"
echo -e " <server> kick <player> \t\t\tForcibly disconnect a player from a server"
echo -e " <server> say <message> \t\t\tBroadcast a (pink) message to all players on a server"
echo -e " <server> time set|add <number> \t\tSet/increment time on a server (0-24000)"
echo -e " <server> toggledownfall \t\t\tToggles rain and snow on a server"
echo -e " <server> save on|off \t\t\t\tEnable/disable writing world changes to file"
echo -e " <server> save all \t\t\t\tForce the writing of all non-saved world changes to file"
echo -e " <server> cmd <command> \t\t\tSend a command string to the server and return"
echo -e " <server> cmdlog <command> \t\t\tSame as 'cmd' but shows log output afterwards (Ctrl+C to exit)"
echo -e " <server> wl on|off Enables/disables server whitelist checking"
echo -e " <server> wl add|remove <player> Add/remove a player to/from a server's whitelist"
echo -e " <server> wl list List the players whitelisted for a server"
echo -e " <server> bl player add|remove <player> Ban/pardon a player from/for a server"
echo -e " <server> bl ip add|remove <ip address> Ban/pardon an IP address from/for a server"
echo -e " <server> bl list Lists the banned players and IP address for a server"
echo -e " <server> op add|remove <player> Add/remove operator status for a player on a server"
echo -e " <server> op list Lists the operator players for a server"
echo -e " <server> gm survival|creative <player> Change the game mode for a player on a server"
echo -e " <server> kick <player> Forcibly disconnect a player from a server"
echo -e " <server> say <message> Broadcast a (pink) message to all players on a server"
echo -e " <server> time set|add <number> Set/increment time on a server (0-24000)"
echo -e " <server> toggledownfall Toggles rain and snow on a server"
echo -e " <server> save on|off Enable/disable writing world changes to file"
echo -e " <server> save all Force the writing of all non-saved world changes to file"
echo -e " <server> cmd <command> Send a command string to the server and return"
echo -e " <server> cmdlog <command> Same as 'cmd' but shows log output afterwards (Ctrl+C to exit)"
echo -e
echo -e "--Jar Commands--------------------------------------------------"
echo -e " jargroup list \t\t\t\tList the stored jar files."
echo -e " jargroup create <name> <download-url> \tCreate a new jar group, with a URL for new downloads"
echo -e " jargroup delete <name> \t\t\tDelete a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup rename <name> <new-name> \t\tRename a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup changeurl <name> <download-url> \tChange the download URL for a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup getlatest <name> \t\t\tDownload the latest jar file for a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup list List the stored jar files."
echo -e " jargroup create <name> <download-url> Create a new jar group, with a URL for new downloads"
echo -e " jargroup delete <name> Delete a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup rename <name> <new-name> Rename a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup changeurl <name> <download-url> Change the download URL for a jar group"
echo -e " jargroup getlatest <name> Download the latest jar file for a jar group"
echo -e
echo -e "--Global Commands-----------------------------------------------"
echo -e " start \t\t\t\t\tStarts all active servers"
echo -e " stop [now]\t\t\t\t\tStops all running servers"
echo -e " restart [now]\t\t\t\t\tRestarts all active servers"
echo -e " start Starts all active servers"
echo -e " stop [now] Stops all running servers"
echo -e " restart [now] Restarts all active servers"
echo "No such command see: $0 help"