--- layout: docs title: Installation · Docs · MSM tab: docs docsitem: installation --- Installation ============ This script uses the following tools: **screen**, **rsync**, **zip** *There may be a script to do this in the future, but its quite easy to do yourself, and I prefer to place things manually whenever possible so I know what's going on myself.* ## Let's Make This Easy 1. Create a tempory variable in your terminal to store the root download URL: export MSM_URL="https://raw.github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/latest/" 2. Verify the variable now contains that URL by printing it: echo $MSM_URL ## Install The Configuration File and Create Directories 1. Download the configuration file and place it in the `/etc` directory: sudo wget ${MSM_URL}msm.conf -O /etc/msm.conf 2. Edit `/etc/msm.conf`, have a read through and make any adjustments, the comments will help you out. 3. Create and give permissions to directories used by MSM, use the values specified in `/etc/msm.conf` if you change them: With the default configuration, all files are stored within the `/opt/msm` directory. sudo mkdir /opt/msm sudo chown minecraft /opt/msm sudo chmod -R 775 /opt/msm Also be sure to create the directory for ram storage if your system supports ram disk: sudo mkdir /dev/shm/msm sudo chown minecraft /dev/shm/msm sudo chmod -R 775 /dev/shm/msm ## Install The Script 1. Download the Minecraft Server Manager script (called msm) placing it in the `/etc/init.d` directory: sudo wget ${MSM_URL}init/msm -O /etc/init.d/msm 2. Give the script the required permissions: sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/msm 3. Update the rc.d links, this allows–for example–servers to be started at system startup automatically: sudo update-rc.d msm defaults For Suse operating systems use the command: `sudo /sbin/chkconfig --set msm on` instead. ## Configure Cron (Scheduled Actions) 1. Download the cron file and place it in `/etc/cron.d` with the name `msm`: sudo wget ${MSM_URL}cron/msm -O /etc/cron.d/msm 2. If you changed `SERVER_USER` in `/etc/msm.conf` to something other than "minecraft", edit `/etc/cron.d/msm` and change the occurrences of the username "minecraft" on each line, to the username you chose. *See the [Using Cron Page][cron] if you are unfamiliar with cron, or for an explanation of how cron is being used in this case.* ## Enable Bash Tab Completion Support 1. Download the bash_completion file and place it in `/etc/bash_completion.d` with the name `msm`: sudo wget ${MSM_URL}bash_completion/msm -O /etc/bash_completion.d/msm 2. Ensure the following lines are uncommented in your `~/.bashrc` file or if you don't have that, find it in `/etc/bash.bashrc` instead: if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi 3. Bash completion will now be active when you login or if you want it right away do: source /etc/bash_completion.d/msm Now whenever you are stuck for what comes next in a command, you can press tab to auto-complete options. ## Simplify Command 1. Place a symbolic link to the script in `/usr/local/bin` sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/msm /usr/local/bin/msm This allows you to do `msm bla bla` instead of the slightly longer `/etc/init.d/msm bla bla`. ### Setup A Server 1. If you have an existing server, making sure it's stopped you should move it to the server store (**WARNING Not yet supported!**). This performs a straight move, but also organises (if present) the jar file, and moves existing worlds to the "world storage" directory: sudo msm server transition /path/to/existing/server/dir or if you are starting from scratch, first create a jar group which also downloads the latest version: sudo msm jargroup create minecraft https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft_server.jar or if you want to run a Bukkit server: sudo msm jargroup create craftbukkit http://dl.bukkit.org/latest-rb/craftbukkit.jar Remember, you can have as many jar groups as you like, and call them whatever you want. Next create a new server, and choose the jargroup you just made: sudo msm server create sudo msm jar minecraft 2. Start your server: sudo msm start Servers will create new worlds in the server directory instead of directly in the `worldstorage` directory. Once a new world is created you unfortunately have to stop the server and move the world into (and probably create) the `worldstorage` directory yourself. The `worldstorage` directory should be created in the server directory. Follow issue [#26][#26] for changes to this area. ## Check Out The Commands If stuck, you can always type `/etc/init.d/msm help` for a quick list of all commands, or if you want to know more about a command read the [command documentation][commands]. [config]: {{ site.baseurl }}docs/configuration/ [cron]: {{ site.baseurl }}docs/concepts/cron.html [commands]: {{ site.baseurl }}docs/commands/ [#26]: https://github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/issues/26