# # Minecraft Server Manager Cron # # Backs up worlds, rolls logs, moves worlds in RAM to disk, # and starts crashed servers # # For more information visit the project home page: # https://github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-init # # Backs up all worlds for all servers at 2 minutes past 5 in the moring 02 05 * * * minecraft /etc/init.d/mcm * worlds backup # Rolls the logs for all servers at 55 minutes past 4 in the morning 55 04 * * * minecraft /etc/init.d/mcm * logroll # Moves all "in RAM" worlds to disk every half hour for all servers */30 * * * * minecraft /etc/init.d/mcm * worlds todisk # Start any crashed servers again each hour @hourly minecraft /etc/init.d/mcm start