msm_dir="/opt/msm" msm_user="minecraft" msm_user_system=false dl_dir="$(mktemp -d -t msm-XXX)" # Outputs an MSM INSTALL log line function install_log() { echo -e "\n\033[1;32mMSM INSTALL: $*\033[m" } # Outputs an MSM INSTALL ERROR log line and exits with status code 1 function install_error() { echo -e "\n\033[1;37;41mMSM INSTALL ERROR: $*\033[m" exit 1 } ### NOTE: all the below functions are overloadable for system-specific installs ### NOTE: some of the below functions MUST be overloaded due to system-specific installs function config_installation() { install_log "Configure installation" echo -n "Install directory [${msm_dir}]: " read input if [ ! -z "$input" ]; then msm_dir="$input" fi echo -n "New server user to be created [${msm_user}]: " read input if [ ! -z "$input" ]; then msm_user="$input" fi echo -n "Add new user as system account? [y/N]: " read answer if [[ $answer != "y" ]]; then msm_user_system=true fi echo -n "Complete installation with these values? [y/N]: " read answer if [[ $answer != "y" ]]; then echo "Installation aborted." exit 0 fi } # Runs a system software update to make sure we're using all fresh packages function update_system_packages() { # OVERLOAD THIS install_error "No function definition for update_system_packages" } # Installs additional dependencies (screen, rsync, zip, wget) using system package manager function install_dependencies() { # OVERLOAD THIS install_error "No function definition for install_dependencies" } # Verifies existence of or adds user for Minecraft server (default "minecraft") function add_minecraft_user() { install_log "Creating default user '${msm_user}'" if $msm_user_system; then sudo useradd ${msm_user} --home "$msm_dir" else sudo useradd ${msm_user} --system --home "$msm_dir" fi } # Verifies existence and permissions of msm server directory (default /opt/msm) function create_msm_directories() { install_log "Creating MSM directories" if [ ! -d "$msm_dir" ]; then sudo mkdir -p "$msm_dir" || install_error "Couldn't create directory '$msm_dir'" fi sudo chown -R $msm_user:$msm_user "$msm_dir" || install_error "Couldn't change file ownership for '$msm_dir'" } # Fetches latest msm.conf, cron job, and init script function download_latest_files() { if [ ! -d "$dl_dir" ]; then install_error "Temporary download directory was not created properly" fi install_log "Downloading latest MSM configuration file" sudo wget ${UPDATE_URL}/msm.conf \ -O "$dl_dir/msm.conf.orig" || install_error "Couldn't download configuration file" install_log "Downloading latest MSM cron file" sudo wget ${UPDATE_URL}/cron/msm \ -O "$dl_dir/msm.cron.orig" || install_error "Couldn't download cron file" install_log "Downloading latest MSM version" sudo wget ${UPDATE_URL}/init/msm \ -O "$dl_dir/msm.init.orig" || install_error "Couldn't download init file" } # Patches msm.conf and cron job to use specified username and directory function patch_latest_files() { # patch config file install_log "Patching MSM configuration file" sudo sed 's#USERNAME="minecraft"#USERNAME="'$msm_user'"#g' "$dl_dir/msm.conf.orig" | \ sed "s#/opt/msm#$msm_dir#g" | \ sed "s#UPDATE_URL=.*\$#UPDATE_URL=\"$UPDATE_URL\"#" >"$dl_dir/msm.conf" # patch cron file install_log "Patching MSM cron file" sudo awk '{ if ($0 !~ /^#/) sub(/minecraft/, "'$msm_user'"); print }' \ "$dl_dir/msm.cron.orig" >"$dl_dir/msm.cron" # patch init file install_log "Patching MSM init file" sudo cp "$dl_dir/msm.init.orig" "$dl_dir/msm.init" } # Installs msm.conf into /etc function install_config() { install_log "Installing MSM configuration file" sudo install -b -m0644 "$dl_dir/msm.conf" /etc/msm.conf if [ ! -e /etc/msm.conf ]; then install_error "Couldn't install configuration file" fi } # Installs msm.cron into /etc/cron.d function install_cron() { install_log "Installing MSM cron file" sudo install -m0644 "$dl_dir/msm.cron" /etc/cron.d/msm || install_error "Couldn't install cron file" } # Installs init script into /etc/init.d function install_init() { install_log "Installing MSM init file" sudo install -b "$dl_dir/msm.init" /etc/init.d/msm || install_error "Couldn't install init file" install_log "Making MSM accessible as the command 'msm'" sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/msm /usr/local/bin/msm } # Enables init script in default runlevels function enable_init() { # OVERLOAD THIS install_error "No function defined for enable_init" } # Updates rest of MSM using init script updater function update_msm() { install_log "Asking MSM to update itself" sudo /etc/init.d/msm update --noinput } # Updates rest of MSM using init script updater function setup_jargroup() { install_log "Setup default jar groups" sudo /etc/init.d/msm jargroup create minecraft } function install_complete() { install_log "Done. Type 'msm help' to get started. Have fun!" } function install_msm() { config_installation add_minecraft_user update_system_packages install_dependencies create_msm_directories download_latest_files patch_latest_files install_config install_cron install_init enable_init update_msm setup_jargroup install_complete }