#!/bin/bash # /opt/minecraft/server2/manager.config ### Important Names # A short name representation for this server, used for consistent directory names: SERVER_NAME="server2" # Name to use for the screen instance (must be unique system wide): SCREEN_NAME="minecraft2" # User that should start and interact with the server SERVER_USER="minecraft" ### Server Directories # Path to minecraft directory: SERVER_PATH="/opt/minecraft/${SERVER_NAME}" # Where the worlds are located on the disk. Can not be the same as SERVER_PATH: WORLD_STORAGE_PATH="${SERVER_PATH}/worldstorage" # Path to plugin folder: SERVER_PLUGIN_PATH="${SERVER_PATH}/plugins" ### Backups and Archives # When a snapshot (backup) is created of a world it will be stored in this directory WORLD_SNAPSHOT_PATH="/mnt/Drobo/Public/Shares/Backups/Minecraft/WorldBackups/${SERVER_NAME}" # When the server log is compressed and archived, it is stored here: LOG_ARCHIVE_PATH="/mnt/Drobo/Public/Shares/Backups/Minecraft/Logs/${SERVER_NAME}" # When a complete backup of the entire server directory is make, it is stored here: COMPLETE_BACKUP_PATH="/mnt/Drobo/Public/Shares/Backups/Minecraft/WholeBackups/${SERVER_NAME}" # Symbolic links usually point to large or centralised files which should not be # included in a complete backup of this singular server. # options: true, false COMPLETE_BACKUP_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS="false" # When a backup of Bukkit plugin config files is made, it is stored here: CONFIG_BACKUP_PATH="/mnt/Drobo/Public/Shares/Backups/Minecraft/ConfigBackups/${SERVER_NAME}" # The pattern used to search for config files within the plugin directory CONFIG_BACKUP_PATTERN="*.yml" ### Speedy Ramdisk # Path to a directory located in the mounted ramdisk. # The default mount point in Ubuntu is: /dev/shm RAMDISK_PATH="/dev/shm/Minecraft/$SERVER_NAME" ### Jar configuration # Location of the server jar to run (minecraft_server.jar, bukkit.jar etc.): JAR="${SERVER_PATH}/server.jar" # The amount of memory the server will use when started: INITAL_MEMORY="2048M" # The maximum amount of memory the server can use at any time: MAXIMUM_MEMORY="2048M" # Number of CPUs/cores to use at runtime: CPU_COUNT=2 # The command which launches the Minecraft server using the variables # provided thus far: INVOCATION="java -Xmx${MAXIMUM_MEMORY} -Xms${INITAL_MEMORY} -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=${CPU_COUNT} -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar ${JAR} nogui" ### Configuration # The amount of time (in seconds) between broadcasting to players # the message MESSAGE_SERVER_STOP_WARNING (see below) and the server actually # shutting down: CONFIG_SERVER_STOP_DELAY=10 CONFIG_SERVER_RESTART_DELAY=10 CONFIG_SERVER_LOG_ROLL_RESTART_DELAY=10 ### Messages # The message displayed to players when gracefully shutting down the server. # The server shuts down (after this message is broadcast) following a delay # specified in CONFIG_SERVER_STOP_DELAY MESSAGE_SERVER_STOP_WARNING="SERVER SHUTTING DOWN IN 10 SECONDS!" MESSAGE_SERVER_RESTART_WARNING="SERVER REBOOT IN 10 SECONDS!" MESSAGE_SERVER_LOG_ROLL_RESTART_WARNING="ROUTINE REBOOT IN 10 SECONDS!" MESSAGE_SERVER_WORLDS_BACKUP_STARTED="Backing up world." MESSAGE_SERVER_WORLDS_BACKUP_FINISHED="Backup complete." MESSAGE_SERVER_COMPLETE_BACKUP_STARTED="Backing up entire server." MESSAGE_SERVER_COMPLETE_BACKUP_FINISHED="Backup complete." ### Stuff that probably wont need changing # The location of the standard Minecraft log file SERVER_LOG="${SERVER_PATH}/server.log" CONFIRMATIONS_SAVE_ON="CONSOLE: Enabling level saving.." CONFIRMATIONS_SAVE_OFF="CONSOLE: Disabling level saving.." CONFIRMATIONS_SAVE_ALL="CONSOLE: Save complete." CONFIRMATIONS_START="Done"