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# Minecraft Server Manager Cron
# Backs up worlds, rolls logs, moves worlds in RAM to disk,
# starts crashed servers, and deletes old archives
# For more information visit the project home page:
# Backs up all worlds for all servers at 2 minutes past 5 in the morning
02 05 * * * minecraft /etc/init.d/msm all worlds backup
# Rolls the logs for all servers at 55 minutes past 4 in the morning
55 04 * * * minecraft /etc/init.d/msm all logroll
# Moves all "in RAM" worlds to disk every half hour for all servers
*/30 * * * * minecraft /etc/init.d/msm all worlds todisk
# Start any crashed servers again each hour
@hourly minecraft /etc/init.d/msm start
# Deletes all server log files older than the number of days specified in the mtime parameter value
10 05 * * * minecraft find /opt/msm/servers/*/logs -maxdepth 1 -mtime +30 -type f -name "*.log.gz" | xargs rm --force
# Deletes all server backup files older than the number of days specified in the mtime parameter value
12 05 * * * minecraft find /opt/msm/archives/backups -maxdepth 2 -mtime +30 -type f -name "*.zip" | xargs rm --force
# Deletes all msm log files older than the number of days specified in the mtime parameter value
14 05 * * * minecraft find /opt/msm/archives/logs -maxdepth 2 -mtime +30 -type f -name "*.log.gz" | xargs rm --force
# Deletes all server world backup files older than the number of days specified in the mtime parameter value
16 05 * * * minecraft find /opt/msm/archives/worlds -maxdepth 3 -mtime +30 -type f -name "*.zip" | xargs rm --force