{ "en": { "str": { "email-address": "Email address", "password": "Password", "sign-in": "Sign in", "sign-out": "Sign out", "try-again": "Try again", "name": "Name", "email": "Email", "roles": "Roles", "created-on": "Created: {date}", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "sure": "Yes I'm Sure", "disabled": "Disabled", "choose-file": "Choose file" }, "login": { "title": "Login to your account" }, "main": { "app": "Nginx Proxy Manager", "version": "v{version}", "welcome": "Welcome to Nginx Proxy Manager", "logged-in": "You are logged in as {name}", "unknown-error": "Error loading stuff. Please reload the app.", "unknown-user": "Unknown User", "sign-in-as": "Sign back in as {name}" }, "roles": { "title": "Roles", "admin": "Administrator", "user": "Apache Helicopter" }, "menu": { "dashboard": "Dashboard", "hosts": "Hosts" }, "footer": { "fork-me": "Fork me on Github", "copy": "© 2018 jc21.com.", "theme": "Theme by Tabler" }, "dashboard": { "title": "Hi {name}" }, "all-hosts": { "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{Why don't you create one?} other{And you don't have permission to create one.}}", "details": "Details", "ssl": "SSL", "enable-ssl": "Enable SSL", "force-ssl": "Force SSL", "domain-names": "Domain Names", "cert-provider": "Certificate Provider", "other-ssl": "Other", "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", "letsencrypt-email": "Email Address for Let's Encrypt", "letsencrypt-agree": "I Agree to the Let's Encrypt Terms of Service", "other-certificate": "Certificate", "other-certificate-key": "Certificate Key" }, "proxy-hosts": { "title": "Proxy Hosts", "empty": "There are no Proxy Hosts", "add": "Add Proxy Host", "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Proxy Host", "forward-ip": "Forward IP", "forward-port": "Forward Port", "delete": "Delete Proxy Host" }, "redirection-hosts": { "title": "Redirection Hosts" }, "dead-hosts": { "title": "404 Hosts" }, "streams": { "title": "Streams" }, "access-lists": { "title": "Access Lists" }, "users": { "title": "Users", "default_error": "Default email address must be changed", "add": "Add User", "nickname": "Nickname", "full-name": "Full Name", "edit-details": "Edit Details", "change-password": "Change Password", "edit-permissions": "Edit Permissions", "sign-in-as": "Sign in as User", "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} User", "delete": "Delete {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", "delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete {name}?", "password-title": "Change Password{self, select, false{ for {name}} other{}}", "current-password": "Current Password", "new-password": "New Password", "confirm-password": "Confirm Password", "permissions-title": "Permissions for {name}", "admin-perms": "This user is an Administrator and some items cannot be altered", "perms-visibility": "Item Visibility", "perms-visibility-user": "Created Items Only", "perms-visibility-all": "All Items", "perm-manage": "Manage", "perm-view": "View Only", "perm-hidden": "Hidden" }, "audit-log": { "title": "Audit Log", "empty": "There are no logs.", "empty-subtitle": "As soon as you or another user changes something, history of those events will show up here." } } }