Jamie Curnow dad3e1da7c
Adds support to run processes as a user/group, defined
with PUID and PGID environment variables

- Detects if image is run with a user in docker command and fails if so
- Adds s6 prepare scripts for adding a 'npmuser'
- Split up and refactor the s6 prepare scripts
- Runs nginx and backend node as 'npmuser'
- Changes ownership of files required at startup
2023-03-20 16:56:52 +10:00

37 lines
927 B

# This command reads the `DISABLE_IPV6` env var and will either enable
# or disable ipv6 in all nginx configs based on this setting.
log_info 'IPv6 ...'
# Lowercase
DISABLE_IPV6=$(echo "${DISABLE_IPV6:-}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
process_folder () {
FILES=$(find "$1" -type f -name "*.conf")
if [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" == "true" ] || [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" == "on" ] || [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" == "1" ] || [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" == "yes" ]; then
# IPV6 is disabled
echo "Disabling IPV6 in hosts in: $1"
SED_REGEX='s/^([^#]*)listen \[::\]/\1#listen [::]/g'
# IPV6 is enabled
echo "Enabling IPV6 in hosts in: $1"
SED_REGEX='s/^(\s*)#listen \[::\]/\1listen [::]/g'
for FILE in $FILES
echo "- ${FILE}"
sed -E -i "$SED_REGEX" "$FILE"
# ensure the files are still owned by the npmuser
chown -R npmuser:npmuser "$1"
process_folder /etc/nginx/conf.d
process_folder /data/nginx