diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7ba8c5a5..568b9943 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Here's a list of available language APIs for obs-websocket: - Python 3.7+ (Asyncio): [simpleobsws](https://github.com/IRLToolkit/simpleobsws/tree/master) by IRLToolkit - Rust: [obws](https://github.com/dnaka91/obws/tree/v5-api) by dnaka91 - Godot 3.4.x: [obs-websocket-gd](https://github.com/you-win/obs-websocket-gd) by you-win +- Javascript (Node and web): [obs-websocket-js](https://github.com/obs-websocket-community-projects/obs-websocket-js) by OBS Websocket Community The 5.x server is a typical WebSocket server running by default on port 4455 (the port number can be changed in the Settings dialog under `Tools`). The protocol we use is documented in [PROTOCOL.md](docs/generated/protocol.md).