Bug Fixes:
- Fix an issue where the virtualcam requests would report that the
virtualcam is not available.
- Fix an issue with the config migration where the migrated settings
were not being persisted to disk.
New Features:
- Added `CreateRecordChapter` request for the new native MP4 muxer
- Added `SplitRecordFile` request to create a file split [tt2468]
- Added `RecordFileChanged` request for when the current recording is
split [tt2468]
- Added obs-websocket-api as a Cmake target, allowing plugins to build
against it without directly including the header file in their source
tree. [tytan652]
- Added the ability to subscribe to obs-websocket events via the
obs-websocket-api header file. [tt2468]
- Added `cropToBounds` boolean value to Get/SetSceneItemTransform
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed screenshot behavior of sources with a crop filter not
respecting the cropped size (#1132) [tt2468]
- Fixed an issue with `TriggerHotkeyByName` not releasing keys
correctly when multiple keys are specified. [exeldro]
Other Notes:
- Fixed a few enums showing as deprecated in the documentation
- The location of the obs-websocket global settings data has changed!
Settings located in `global.ini` have moved to the
`plugin_config/obs-websocket` directory. This includes the `global`
realm for the `*PersistentData` requests. Upon loading with an
un-migrated configuration, obs-websocket will perform a migration and
delete the old configurations.
As such, **migration is not reversible**
New Features:
- Added `GetSourceFilterKindList` request
- Added `GetSceneItemSource` request
- Added `InputSettingsChanged` event
- Added `SourceFilterSettingsChanged` event
- Added UUID support to Sources (Inputs/Scenes), Inputs, Scenes,
- The `Source` requests/events use `sourceUuid`
- The `Input` requests/events use `inputUuid`
- The `Scene` requests/events use `sceneUuid`
- The `Transition` requests/events use `transitionUuid`
- Filters do not have support for UUIDs at this time.
- Added `contextName` field to `TriggerHotkeyByName` (exeldro)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash on shutdown with notifications enabled (r1ch)
- Added safety check to prevent `null` `outputCongestion` values in
- Fixed a memory leak when switching service kinds via
Other Notes:
- Documented missing `outputActive` `ToggleRecord` response field
- Added a few new client softwares to the README list
- Removed a mis-documented `imageData` field
- Added a note to the hotkey requests that they are as-is and we
will not provide support for them
qrcodegen is identified as such (without the "lib" prefix) and as the
target "qrcodegencpp::qrcodegencpp" by the CMake package generated by
obs-deps and the finders in obs-studio when using module fallback.
Despite building the PDBs for qrcodegencpp debug builds, we do not
currently ship those PDBs, so MSVC emits an LNK4099 warning, which
causes a build failure. It's unlikely that we'll need to debug in linked
dependencies, so we can ignore this warning. Should we decide in the
future to ship PDBs for these dependencies, the warning would no longer
be emitted, and this flag would be superfluous without requiring a
change. For now, let's make sure we can build in Debug.
- Various minor build process cleanups
- Various code cleanups
- requesthandler: Added NotReady request status
- base: Pause requests and events during start, SC change, and shutdown
- requesthandler: Added SetRecordDirectory
- websocketserver: Retry listen on IPv4 if IPv6 is not available
- Fixed a crash caused if `authentication` payload field was not a
- Allow empty vendor request data
- Minor documentation fixes
- Replace submodules with obs-deps or system versions where possible
- asio
- websocketpp
- nlohmann/json
- Refactor CMake to allow uplift to new obs-studio CMake