- Merge WebSocketProtocol into WebSocketServer
- Having them separated was not doing anything productive
- Request: Move SessionPtr to RequestHandler
- Less copying to do for batch requests
- Fully modularize EventHandler
- Make BroadcastEvent a stored callback that WebSocketServer sets
- Return early on high volume events to avoid unnecessary compute
- These events will only generate a json object when it is actually
As discussed in the #development channel in discord
- Switch from using message types to integer op codes
- Consolidate op-specific keys into `d` sub-object
- Shorten low-level payload keys from `messageType` to `op`, add `d`
Other changes:
- The WebSocketCloseCode enum has been refactored. It's best to just
treat it like it's new
- Some performance benefits came along the way. Nothing gamechanging,
but notable
- Various bug fixes discovered while refactoring
Final "UI" part of the plugin to be completed. I'm annoyed at how
many includes are required in order to implement this feature. It
breaks quite a bit of the modularity of the plugin because suddenly
everything has to include obs libraries (for translations)
Among lots of stuff:
- Generate a random password on first load
- Add `ConnectInfo` dialog including QR code display
- Add `Generate Password` button to generate a new random
- Delete `Copy Password to Clipboard` button
- Delete `GetConnectString` or whatever from WebSocketServer
(reimplemented the functionality directly into ConnectInfo)
- Added `GeneratePassword()` to Utils
Todo: Show warning when users specify their own passwords
Took a night of sleep but I realized how I could solve the
concurrency issues in a good way. Uses shared_ptr, where the map
always accounts for one reference to a session.
Working towards fixing concurrency issues. Todo:
- Wait for refcount to be 0 before deleting object
- Use .at() instead of operator[] to prevent recreating deleted
- There was a third thing. Dont remember what it was
Will be used to handle incoming websocket messages. Initially I was
going to handle messages within WebSocketServer, but the file is
starting to get very large and so it's only fair to split it up.