# obs-websocket

WebSocket API for OBS Studio. [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/715691013825364120.svg?label=&logo=discord&logoColor=ffffff&color=7389D8&labelColor=6A7EC2)](https://discord.gg/WBaSQ3A) [![Financial Contributors on Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/obs-websocket-dev/all/badge.svg?label=financial+contributors)](https://opencollective.com/obs-websocket-dev) ## Downloads obs-websocket is now included by default with OBS Studio 28.0.0 and above. As such, **there should be no need to download obs-websocket if you have OBS Studio > 28.0.0.** Binaries **for OBS Studio < 28.0.0** on Windows, MacOS, and Linux are available in the [Releases](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/releases) section. ## Using obs-websocket It is **highly recommended** to keep obs-websocket protected with a password against unauthorized control. obs-websocket generates a password for you automatically when you load it for the first time. To change this, open the "obs-websocket Settings" dialog under OBS' "Tools" menu. In the settings dialog, you can enable or disable authentication and set a password for it. (Psst. You can use `--websocket_port`(value), `--websocket_password`(value), `--websocket_debug`(flag) and `--websocket_ipv4_only`(flag) on the command line to override the configured values.) ### Possible use cases - Remote control OBS from a phone or tablet on the same local network - Change your stream overlay/graphics based on the current scene - Automate scene switching with a third-party program (e.g. : auto-pilot, foot pedal, ...) ### Client software - [Touch Portal](https://www.touch-portal.com/) - [Twitchat](https://twitchat.fr/) - [OBS-web](https://github.com/Niek/obs-web) - hosted client at [obs-web.niek.tv/](http://obs-web.niek.tv/) - [Streamer.bot](https://streamer.bot/) - [Deckboard](https://deckboard.app/) - [OBS Blade](https://github.com/Kounex/obs_blade) - [Aitum](https://aitum.tv/) - [Kruiz Control](https://github.com/Kruiser8/Kruiz-Control) - [Bitfocus Companion Module](https://bitfocus.io/companion/) ### Client libraries (for developers) Here's a list of available language APIs for obs-websocket: - Python 3.7+ (Asyncio): [simpleobsws](https://github.com/IRLToolkit/simpleobsws/tree/master) by IRLToolkit - Python 3.10+ (Non-Asyncio): [obsws-python](https://pypi.org/project/obsws-python) by aatikturk and onyx-and-iris - Rust: [obws](https://github.com/dnaka91/obws) by dnaka91 - Godot 3.4.x: [obs-websocket-gd](https://github.com/you-win/obs-websocket-gd) by you-win - Javascript (Node and web): [obs-websocket-js](https://github.com/obs-websocket-community-projects/obs-websocket-js) by OBS Websocket Community - C (uses obs-websocket-js): [v8-libwebsocket-obs-websocket](https://github.com/dgatwood/v8-libwebsocket-obs-websocket) - Go: [goobs](https://github.com/andreykaipov/goobs) by andreykaipov - Dart/Flutter (can target all supported platforms): [obs_websocket](https://github.com/faithoflifedev/obs_websocket) by faithoflifedev The 5.x server is a typical WebSocket server running by default on port 4455 (the port number can be changed in the Settings dialog under `Tools`). The protocol we use is documented in [PROTOCOL.md](docs/generated/protocol.md). We'd like to know what you're building with obs-websocket! If you do something in this fashion, feel free to drop a message in `#project-showoff` in the [discord server!](https://discord.gg/WBaSQ3A) ## Contributors ### Code Contributors This project exists thanks to [all the people](graphs/contributors) who contribute. [Contribute](wiki/Contributing-Guidelines). ### Financial Contributors Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute](https://opencollective.com/obs-websocket-dev/contribute) #### Individuals #### Organizations Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute](https://opencollective.com/obs-websocket-dev/contribute)