# Connecting over a TLS/secure connection (or remotely) If you want to expose the WebSocket server of obs-websocket over a secure TLS connection (or to connect remotely), the easiest approach is to use a localhost tunneling service like [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) or [pagekite](https://pagekite.net/). **Before doing this, secure the WebSocket server first by enabling authentication with a strong password!** **Please bear in mind that doing this will expose your OBS instance to the open Internet and the security risks it implies. *You've been warned!*** ## ngrok [Install the ngrok CLI tool](https://ngrok.com/download) on a linux OS, then start ngrok bound to port 4444 like this: ```bash ngrok http 4444 ``` The ngrok command will output something like this: ```text ngrok by @inconshreveable Tunnel Status online Version 2.0/2.0 Web Interface Forwarding http://TUNNEL_ID.ngrok.io -> localhost:4444 Forwarding https://TUNNEL_ID.ngrok.io -> localhost:4444 ``` Where `TUNNEL_ID` is, as the name implies, the unique name of your ngrok tunnel. You'll get a new one every time you start ngrok. Then, use `wss://TUNNEL_ID.ngrok.io` to connect to obs-websocket over TLS. See the [ngrok documentation](https://ngrok.com/docs) for more tunneling options and settings. ## PageKite [Install the PageKite CLI tool](http://pagekite.net/downloads), then start PageKite bound to port 4444 like this (replace NAME with one of your choosing): ```bash python pagekite.py 4444 NAME.pagekite.me ``` Then, use `wss://NAME.pagekite.me` to connect to obs-websocket over TLS.