OBSWebsocket.Settings.DialogTitle="WebSockets Server Settings" OBSWebsocket.Settings.ServerEnable="Enable WebSockets server" OBSWebsocket.Settings.ServerPort="Server Port" OBSWebsocket.Settings.AuthRequired="Enable authentication" OBSWebsocket.Settings.Password="Password" OBSWebsocket.Settings.LockToIPv4="Lock server to only using IPv4" OBSWebsocket.Settings.DebugEnable="Enable debug logging" OBSWebsocket.Settings.AlertsEnable="Enable System Tray Alerts" OBSWebsocket.Settings.AuthDisabledWarning="Running obs-websocket with authentication disabled is not recommended, as it allows attackers to easily collect sensetive data. Are you sure you want to proceed?" OBSWebsocket.NotifyConnect.Title="New WebSocket connection" OBSWebsocket.NotifyConnect.Message="Client %1 connected" OBSWebsocket.NotifyDisconnect.Title="WebSocket client disconnected" OBSWebsocket.NotifyDisconnect.Message="Client %1 disconnected" OBSWebsocket.Server.StartFailed.Title="WebSockets Server failure" OBSWebsocket.Server.StartFailed.Message="The WebSockets server failed to start, maybe because:\n - TCP port %1 may currently be in use elsewhere on this system, possibly by another application. Try setting a different TCP port in the WebSocket server settings, or stop any application that could be using this port.\n - Error message: %2" OBSWebsocket.ProfileChanged.Started="WebSockets server enabled in this profile. Server started." OBSWebsocket.ProfileChanged.Stopped="WebSockets server disabled in this profile. Server stopped." OBSWebsocket.ProfileChanged.Restarted="WebSockets server port changed in this profile. Server restarted." OBSWebsocket.InitialPasswordSetup.Title="obs-websocket - Server Password Configuration" OBSWebsocket.InitialPasswordSetup.Text="It looks like you are running obs-websocket for the first time. Do you want to configure a password now for the WebSockets server? Setting a password is highly recommended." OBSWebsocket.InitialPasswordSetup.DismissedText="You can configure a server password later in the WebSockets Server Settings. (Under the Tools menu of OBS Studio)"