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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:16 +00:00
More docs-related commits will follow, but this needs to be merged in order to continue with other development. * Docs: Overhaul docs generator (beginning) * docs: Rename comments file * docs: Move comments gitignore * docs: Initial request documentation * docs: Improvements to comment processing * docs: More improvements * docs: Add enum functionality for protocol.json * WebSocketServer: Document enums * RequestHandler: Document RequestStatus enum * Base: Move ObsWebSocketRequestBatchExecutionType to its own file Moves it to its own file, renaming it to `RequestBatchExecutionType`. Changes the RPC to use integer values for selecting execution type instead of strings. * docs: Update introduction header Removes the enum section, and documents RequestBatchExecutionType. * WebSocketCloseCode: Shuffle a bit * Base: Use `field` instead of `key` or `parameter` in most places * RequestStatus: Mild shuffle It was really bothering me that OutputPaused and OutputNotPaused had to be separated, so we're breaking it while we're breaking other stuff. * docs: Delete old files They may be added back in some form, but for now I'm getting them out of the way. * docs: Add enum identifier value Forgot to add this before, oops * docs: Document more enums * docs: Add basic protocol.md generator * docs: More work on MD generator * docs: MD generator should be finished now * docs: More fixes * docs: More fixes * docs: More tweaks + add readme * docs: Update readme and add inputs docs * docs: More documentation
209 lines
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209 lines
8.4 KiB
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [process_comments.py] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s")
import os
import sys
import json
# The comments parser will return a string type instead of an array if there is only one field
def field_to_array(field):
if type(field) == str:
return [field]
return field
# This raw JSON can be really damn unpredictable. Let's handle that
def field_to_string(field):
if type(field) == list:
return field_to_string(field[0])
elif type(field) == dict:
return field_to_string(field['description'])
return str(field)
# Make sure that everything we expect is there
def validate_fields(data, fields):
for field in fields:
if field not in data:
logging.warning('Missing required item: {}'.format(field))
return False
return True
# Get the individual components of a `requestField` or `responseField` or `dataField` entry
def get_components(data):
ret = []
components_raw = data.split('|')
for component in components_raw:
return ret
# Convert all request fields from raw to final
def get_request_fields(fields):
fields = field_to_array(fields)
ret = []
for field in fields:
components = get_components(field)
field_out = {}
field_out['valueName'] = components[0].replace('?', '')
field_out['valueType'] = components[1]
field_out['valueDescription'] = components[2]
valueOptionalOffset = 3
# If value type is a number, restrictions are required. Else, should not be added.
if field_out['valueType'].lower() == 'number':
# In the case of a number, the optional component gets pushed back.
valueOptionalOffset += 1
field_out['valueRestrictions'] = components[3] if components[3].lower() != 'none' else None
field_out['valueRestrictions'] = None
field_out['valueOptional'] = components[0].startswith('?')
if field_out['valueOptional']:
field_out['valueOptionalBehavior'] = components[valueOptionalOffset] if len(components) > valueOptionalOffset else 'Unknown'
field_out['valueOptionalBehavior'] = None
return ret
# Convert all response (or event data) fields from raw to final
def get_response_fields(fields):
fields = field_to_array(fields)
ret = []
for field in fields:
components = get_components(field)
field_out = {}
field_out['valueName'] = components[0]
field_out['valueType'] = components[1]
field_out['valueDescription'] = components[2]
return ret
# Read versions json
with open('../versions.json', 'r') as f:
versions = json.load(f)
except IOError:
logging.error('Failed to get global versions. Versions file not configured?')
# Read the raw comments output file
with open('../work/comments.json', 'r') as f:
comments_raw = json.load(f)
# Prepare output variables
enums = []
requests = []
events = []
enums_raw = {}
# Process the raw comments
for comment in comments_raw:
# Skip unrelated comments like #include
if 'api' not in comment:
api = comment['api']
if api == 'enums':
if not validate_fields(comment, ['description', 'enumIdentifier', 'enumType', 'rpcVersion', 'initialVersion']):
logging.warning('Failed to process enum id comment due to missing field(s):\n{}'.format(comment))
enumType = field_to_string(comment['enumType'])
enum = {}
# Recombines the header back into one string, allowing multi-line descriptions.
enum['description'] = field_to_string(comment.get('lead', '')) + field_to_string(comment['description'])
enum['enumIdentifier'] = field_to_string(comment['enumIdentifier'])
rpcVersionRaw = field_to_string(comment['rpcVersion'])
enum['rpcVersion'] = versions['rpcVersion'] if rpcVersionRaw == '-1' else int(rpcVersionRaw)
enum['deprecated'] = False if rpcVersionRaw == '-1' else True
enum['initialVersion'] = field_to_string(comment['initialVersion'])
if 'enumValue' in comment:
enumValue = field_to_string(comment['enumValue'])
enum['enumValue'] = int(enumValue) if enumValue.isdigit() else enumValue
enum['enumValue'] = None
if enumType not in enums_raw:
enums_raw[enumType] = {'enumIdentifiers': [enum]}
logging.info('Processed enum: {}::{}'.format(enumType, enum['enumIdentifier']))
elif api == 'requests':
if not validate_fields(comment, ['description', 'requestType', 'complexity', 'rpcVersion', 'initialVersion', 'category']):
logging.warning('Failed to process request comment due to missing field(s):\n{}'.format(comment))
req = {}
req['description'] = field_to_string(comment.get('lead', '')) + field_to_string(comment['description'])
req['requestType'] = field_to_string(comment['requestType'])
req['complexity'] = int(field_to_string(comment['complexity']))
rpcVersionRaw = field_to_string(comment['rpcVersion'])
req['rpcVersion'] = versions['rpcVersion'] if rpcVersionRaw == '-1' else int(rpcVersionRaw)
req['deprecated'] = False if rpcVersionRaw == '-1' else True
req['initialVersion'] = field_to_string(comment['initialVersion'])
req['category'] = field_to_string(comment['category'])
if 'requestField' in comment:
req['requestFields'] = get_request_fields(comment['requestField'])
req['requestFields'] = []
logging.exception('Failed to process request `{}` request fields due to error:\n'.format(req['requestType']))
if 'responseField' in comment:
req['responseFields'] = get_response_fields(comment['responseField'])
req['responseFields'] = []
logging.exception('Failed to process request `{}` request fields due to error:\n'.format(req['requestType']))
logging.info('Processed request: {}'.format(req['requestType']))
elif api == 'events':
if not validate_fields(comment, ['description', 'eventType', 'eventSubscription', 'complexity', 'rpcVersion', 'initialVersion', 'category']):
logging.warning('Failed to process event comment due to missing field(s):\n{}'.format(comment))
eve = {}
eve['description'] = field_to_string(comment.get('lead', '')) + field_to_string(comment['description'])
eve['eventType'] = field_to_string(comment['eventType'])
eve['eventSubscription'] = field_to_string(comment['eventSubscription'])
eve['complexity'] = int(field_to_string(comment['complexity']))
rpcVersionRaw = field_to_string(comment['rpcVersion'])
eve['rpcVersion'] = versions['rpcVersion'] if rpcVersionRaw == '-1' else int(rpcVersionRaw)
eve['deprecated'] = False if rpcVersionRaw == '-1' else True
eve['initialVersion'] = field_to_string(comment['initialVersion'])
eve['category'] = field_to_string(comment['category'])
if 'dataField' in comment:
eve['dataFields'] = get_response_fields(comment['dataField'])
eve['dataFields'] = []
logging.exception('Failed to process event `{}` data fields due to error:\n'.format(req['eventType']))
logging.info('Processed event: {}'.format(eve['eventType']))
logging.warning('Comment with unknown api: {}'.format(api))
# Reconfigure enums to match the correct structure
for enumType in enums_raw.keys():
enum = enums_raw[enumType]
enums.append({'enumType': enumType, 'enumIdentifiers': enum['enumIdentifiers']})
finalObject = {'enums': enums, 'requests': requests, 'events': events}
with open('../generated/protocol.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(finalObject, f, indent=2)