tt2468 d48ddef031 EventHandler: Implement InputVolumeMeters
This is probably one of the most requested features for obs-websocket.
This currently works by firing an event to all explicit subscribers
with an array of all active audio sources every **60 milliseconds.**

The `inputLevelsMul` field follows this data format:

Base: [Channel, Channel]
Channel: [magnitude (mul), peak (mul), input_peak (mul)]

           *Not Muted*         *Muted*
Example: [[0.3, 0.5, 0.9], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]

(input_peak is the actual peak value, before volume adjustment.)

You may notice that the values are only in mul. This is because we are
trying to cut down on bandwidth. dB values can be calculated using this

`dB = 20.0 * log10(mul)`
2021-11-22 03:37:56 -08:00

154 lines
4.7 KiB

Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Stephane Lepin <stephane.lepin@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Kyle Manning <tt2468@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include <QAction>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <obs-module.h>
#include <obs-frontend-api.h>
#include "obs-websocket.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "WebSocketApi.h"
#include "websocketserver/WebSocketServer.h"
#include "eventhandler/EventHandler.h"
#include "forms/SettingsDialog.h"
OBS_MODULE_USE_DEFAULT_LOCALE("obs-websocket", "en-US")
const char *obs_module_name(void) { return "obs-websocket"; }
const char *obs_module_description(void) { return obs_module_text("OBSWebSocket.Plugin.Description"); }
ConfigPtr _config;
WebSocketApiPtr _webSocketApi;
WebSocketServerPtr _webSocketServer;
EventHandlerPtr _eventHandler;
SettingsDialog *_settingsDialog = nullptr;
os_cpu_usage_info_t* _cpuUsageInfo;
void WebSocketApiEventCallback(std::string vendorName, std::string eventType, obs_data_t *obsEventData);
bool obs_module_load(void)
blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs_module_load] you can haz websockets (Version: %s | RPC Version: %d)", OBS_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, OBS_WEBSOCKET_RPC_VERSION);
blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs_module_load] Qt version (compile-time): %s | Qt version (run-time): %s", QT_VERSION_STR, qVersion());
// Create the config object then load the parameters from storage
_config = ConfigPtr(new Config());
// Initialize event handler before server, as the server configures the event handler.
_eventHandler = EventHandlerPtr(new EventHandler());
_webSocketApi = WebSocketApiPtr(new WebSocketApi(WebSocketApiEventCallback));
_webSocketServer = WebSocketServerPtr(new WebSocketServer());
QMainWindow* mainWindow = reinterpret_cast<QMainWindow*>(obs_frontend_get_main_window());
_settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog(mainWindow);
const char* menuActionText = obs_module_text("OBSWebSocket.Settings.DialogTitle");
QAction* menuAction = (QAction*)obs_frontend_add_tools_menu_qaction(menuActionText);
QObject::connect(menuAction, &QAction::triggered, [] { _settingsDialog->ToggleShowHide(); });
_cpuUsageInfo = os_cpu_usage_info_start();
// Loading finished
blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs_module_load] Module loaded.");
return true;
void obs_module_unload()
blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs_module_unload] Shutting down...");
if (_webSocketServer->IsListening()) {
blog_debug("[obs_module_unload] WebSocket server is running. Stopping...");
blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs_module_unload] Finished shutting down.");
ConfigPtr GetConfig()
return _config;
WebSocketApiPtr GetWebSocketApi()
return _webSocketApi;
WebSocketServerPtr GetWebSocketServer()
return _webSocketServer;
EventHandlerPtr GetEventHandler()
return _eventHandler;
os_cpu_usage_info_t* GetCpuUsageInfo()
return _cpuUsageInfo;
bool IsDebugEnabled()
return !_config || _config->DebugEnabled;
void WebSocketApiEventCallback(std::string vendorName, std::string eventType, obs_data_t *obsEventData)
json eventData = Utils::Json::ObsDataToJson(obsEventData);
json broadcastEventData;
broadcastEventData["vendorName"] = vendorName;
broadcastEventData["eventType"] = eventType;
broadcastEventData["eventData"] = eventData;
_webSocketServer->BroadcastEvent(EventSubscription::ExternalPlugins, "ExternalPluginEvent", broadcastEventData);
void ___source_dummy_addref(obs_source_t*) {}
void ___weak_source_dummy_addref(obs_weak_source_t*) {}
void ___scene_dummy_addref(obs_scene_t*) {}
void ___sceneitem_dummy_addref(obs_sceneitem_t*) {}
void ___data_dummy_addref(obs_data_t*) {}
void ___data_array_dummy_addref(obs_data_array_t*) {}
void ___output_dummy_addref(obs_output_t*) {}
void ___data_item_dummy_addref(obs_data_item_t*) {}
void ___data_item_release(obs_data_item_t* dataItem){ obs_data_item_release(&dataItem); }
void ___properties_dummy_addref(obs_properties_t*) {}