mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:11 +00:00
Removing hard tabs, adding group table relations for domains since import is missing group mapping which breaks additional allowlist since it's not in default
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ cname_list='05-pihole-custom-cname.conf'
# Force sudo if not running with root privileges
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
# Attempt to detect pihole running in Docker
@ -54,210 +54,227 @@ DOCKER=''
DOCKER_CMD="$(command -v docker)"
JQ_CMD="$(command -v jq)"
if [ -n "${DOCKER_CMD}" ]; then
CONTAINER="$(${DOCKER_CMD} ps -f "ancestor=pihole/pihole" --format "{{.Names}}")"
if [ -n "${CONTAINER}" ]; then
if [ -n "${JQ_CMD}" ]; then
echo "Found pihole running under Docker container '${CONTAINER}'"
CONTAINER="$(${DOCKER_CMD} ps -f "ancestor=pihole/pihole" --format "{{.Names}}")"
if [ -n "${CONTAINER}" ]; then
if [ -n "${JQ_CMD}" ]; then
echo "Found pihole running under Docker container '${CONTAINER}'"
pihole_dir="$(${DOCKER_CMD} inspect -f "{{json .Mounts}}" "${CONTAINER}" | ${JQ_CMD} -r --arg dir "${pihole_dir}" '.[] | select(.Destination==$dir) | .Source')"
dnsmasq_dir="$(${DOCKER_CMD} inspect -f "{{json .Mounts}}" "${CONTAINER}" | ${JQ_CMD} -r --arg dir "${dnsmasq_dir}" '.[] | select(.Destination==$dir) | .Source')"
pihole_dir="$(${DOCKER_CMD} inspect -f "{{json .Mounts}}" "${CONTAINER}" | ${JQ_CMD} -r --arg dir "${pihole_dir}" '.[] | select(.Destination==$dir) | .Source')"
dnsmasq_dir="$(${DOCKER_CMD} inspect -f "{{json .Mounts}}" "${CONTAINER}" | ${JQ_CMD} -r --arg dir "${dnsmasq_dir}" '.[] | select(.Destination==$dir) | .Source')"
echo "Found pihole directory mapped to '${pihole_dir}'"
echo "Found dnsmasq directory mapped to '${dnsmasq_dir}'"
echo "Found pihole directory mapped to '${pihole_dir}'"
echo "Found dnsmasq directory mapped to '${dnsmasq_dir}'"
echo "Found Docker container '${CONTAINER}' but jq is not installed"
echo "Found Docker container '${CONTAINER}' but jq is not installed"
export_table () {
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv "SELECT * FROM \"$table\"" >"${table}.csv"
import_table () {
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db "DROP TABLE \"$table\";"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv ".import \"${table}.csv\" \"$table\""
push_initialize () {
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $pihole_dir || exit
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $pihole_dir || exit
# Verify Custom and CNAME lists exist
$SUDO touch $custom_list
$SUDO touch $dnsmasq_dir/$cname_list
# Verify Custom and CNAME lists exist
$SUDO touch $custom_list
$SUDO touch $dnsmasq_dir/$cname_list
# Copy local Custom and CNAME lists to local Git repo
$SUDO cp $custom_list $personal_git_dir
$SUDO cp $dnsmasq_dir/$cname_list $personal_git_dir
# Copy local Custom and CNAME lists to local Git repo
$SUDO cp $custom_list $personal_git_dir
$SUDO cp $dnsmasq_dir/$cname_list $personal_git_dir
# Go to local Git repo directory
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Go to local Git repo directory
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Export Ad and Domain lists from Gravity database
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv "SELECT * FROM adlist" >$ad_list
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv "SELECT * FROM domainlist" >$domain_list
# Export Ad and Domain lists from Gravity database
export_table "adlist"
export_table "domainlist"
export_table "group"
export_table "domainlist_by_group"
# Add all lists to local Git repo
$SUDO git add .
echo "Local Pi-hole initialized in Push mode and local lists were added to local Git repo. Run 'pihole-cloudsync --push' to push to remote Git repo.";
# Add all lists to local Git repo
$SUDO git add .
echo "Local Pi-hole initialized in Push mode and local lists were added to local Git repo. Run 'pihole-cloudsync --push' to push to remote Git repo.";
pull_initialize () {
if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then
if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Update local Git repo from remote Git repo
$SUDO git remote update > /dev/null
# Update local Git repo from remote Git repo
$SUDO git remote update > /dev/null
# Remove -q option if you don't want to run in "quiet" mode
$SUDO git fetch --all -q
$SUDO git reset --hard "origin/${branch}" -q
# Remove -q option if you don't want to run in "quiet" mode
$SUDO git fetch --all -q
$SUDO git reset --hard "origin/${branch}" -q
# Stop DNS server
$SUDO ${DOCKER} service pihole-FTL stop
# Stop DNS server
$SUDO ${DOCKER} service pihole-FTL stop
# Overwrite local files
$SUDO cp $custom_list $pihole_dir
$SUDO cp $cname_list $dnsmasq_dir
# Overwrite local files
$SUDO cp $custom_list $pihole_dir
$SUDO cp $cname_list $dnsmasq_dir
# Overwrite local database tables
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db "DROP TABLE adlist;"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv ".import adlist.csv adlist"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db "DROP TABLE domainlist;"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv ".import domainlist.csv domainlist"
# Overwrite local database tables
import_table "adlist"
import_table "domainlist"
import_table "group"
import_table "domainlist_by_group"
# Restart Pi-hole to pick up changes
$SUDO ${DOCKER} pihole -g
# Restart Pi-hole to pick up changes
$SUDO ${DOCKER} pihole -g
# Display success messages
echo "Local Pi-hole initialized in Pull mode and first pull successfully completed.";
echo "Future pulls can now be perfomed with 'pihole-cloudsync --pull'.";
# Display success messages
echo "Local Pi-hole initialized in Pull mode and first pull successfully completed.";
echo "Future pulls can now be perfomed with 'pihole-cloudsync --pull'.";
push () {
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $pihole_dir || exit
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $pihole_dir || exit
# Copy local Custom and CNAME lists to local Git repo
$SUDO cp $custom_list $personal_git_dir
$SUDO cp $dnsmasq_dir/$cname_list $personal_git_dir
# Copy local Custom and CNAME lists to local Git repo
$SUDO cp $custom_list $personal_git_dir
$SUDO cp $dnsmasq_dir/$cname_list $personal_git_dir
# Go to local Git repo directory
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Go to local Git repo directory
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Export Ad and Domain lists from Gravity database
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv "SELECT * FROM adlist" >$ad_list
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv "SELECT * FROM domainlist" >$domain_list
# Export Ad and Domain lists from Gravity database
export_table "adlist"
export_table "domainlist"
export_table "group"
export_table "domainlist_by_group"
# Compare local files to remote Git repo
$SUDO git remote update > /dev/null
# Compare local files to remote Git repo
$SUDO git remote update > /dev/null
# If local files are different than remote, update remote Git repo
CHANGED=$($SUDO git --work-tree=$personal_git_dir status --porcelain)
if [ -n "${CHANGED}" ]; then
echo 'Local Pi-hole lists are different than remote Git repo. Updating remote repo...';
rightnow=$(date +"%B %e, %Y %l:%M%p")
# Remove -q option if you don't want to run in "quiet" mode
$SUDO git commit -a -m "Updated $rightnow" -q
$SUDO git push -q
echo 'Done!';
exit 0
# If local files are the same as remote, do nothing and exit
echo 'Remote Git repo matches local Pi-hole lists. No further action required.';
exit 0
# If local files are different than remote, update remote Git repo
CHANGED=$($SUDO git --work-tree=$personal_git_dir status --porcelain)
if [ -n "${CHANGED}" ]; then
echo 'Local Pi-hole lists are different than remote Git repo. Updating remote repo...';
rightnow=$(date +"%B %e, %Y %l:%M%p")
# Remove -q option if you don't want to run in "quiet" mode
$SUDO git commit -a -m "Updated $rightnow" -q
$SUDO git push -q
echo 'Done!';
exit 0
# If local files are the same as remote, do nothing and exit
echo 'Remote Git repo matches local Pi-hole lists. No further action required.';
exit 0
pull () {
if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then
if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Go to Pi-hole directory, exit if doesn't exist
cd $personal_git_dir || exit
# Update local Git repo from remote Git repo
$SUDO git remote update > /dev/null
CHANGED=$($SUDO git log HEAD..origin/${branch} --oneline)
if [ -n "${CHANGED}" ]; then
echo 'Remote Git repo is different than local Pi-hole lists. Updating local lists...';
# Remove -q option if you don't want to run in "quiet" mode
$SUDO git fetch --all -q
$SUDO git reset --hard "origin/${branch}" -q
$SUDO ${DOCKER} service pihole-FTL stop
$SUDO cp $custom_list $pihole_dir
$SUDO cp $cname_list $dnsmasq_dir
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db "DROP TABLE adlist;"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv ".import adlist.csv adlist"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db "DROP TABLE domainlist;"
$SUDO sqlite3 $gravity_db -header -csv ".import domainlist.csv domainlist"
$SUDO ${DOCKER} pihole -g
echo 'Done!';
exit 0
echo 'Local Pi-hole lists match remote Git repo. No further action required.';
exit 0
# Update local Git repo from remote Git repo
$SUDO git remote update > /dev/null
CHANGED=$($SUDO git log HEAD..origin/${branch} --oneline)
if [ -n "${CHANGED}" ]; then
echo 'Remote Git repo is different than local Pi-hole lists. Updating local lists...';
# Remove -q option if you don't want to run in "quiet" mode
$SUDO git fetch --all -q
$SUDO git reset --hard "origin/${branch}" -q
$SUDO ${DOCKER} service pihole-FTL stop
$SUDO cp $custom_list $pihole_dir
$SUDO cp $cname_list $dnsmasq_dir
import_table "adlist"
import_table "domainlist"
import_table "group"
import_table "domainlist_by_group"
$SUDO ${DOCKER} pihole -g
echo 'Done!';
exit 0
echo 'Local Pi-hole lists match remote Git repo. No further action required.';
exit 0
# Check to see whether a command line option was provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Missing command line option. Try --push, --pull, or --help."
exit 1
echo "Missing command line option. Try --push, --pull, or --help."
exit 1
# Determine which action to perform (InitPush, InitPull, Push, Pull, or Help)
for arg in "$@"; do
# Initialize - adds primary Pi-hole's lists to local Git repo before first push/upload
if [ "$arg" == "--initpush" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Initializing local Git repo for Push/Upload.";
exit 0
# Initialize - adds primary Pi-hole's lists to local Git repo before first push/upload
elif [ "$arg" == "--initpull" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Initializing local Git repo for Pull/Download.";
pull_initialize $1
exit 0
# Push / Upload - Pushes updated local Pi-hole lists to remote Git repo
elif [ "$arg" == "--push" ] || [ "$arg" == "--upload" ] || [ "$arg" == "--up" ] || [ "$arg" == "-u" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Running in Push/Upload mode."
exit 0
# Pull / Download - Pulls updated Pi-hole lists from remote Git repo
elif [ "$arg" == "--pull" ] || [ "$arg" == "--download" ] || [ "$arg" == "--down" ]|| [ "$arg" == "-d" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Running in Pull/Download mode."
pull $1
exit 0
# Help - Displays help dialog
elif [ "$arg" == "--help" ] || [ "$arg" == "-h" ] || [ "$arg" == "-?" ]; then
cat <<- EOF
Usage: pihole-cloudsync <option>
# Initialize - adds primary Pi-hole's lists to local Git repo before first push/upload
if [ "$arg" == "--initpush" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Initializing local Git repo for Push/Upload.";
exit 0
# Initialize - adds primary Pi-hole's lists to local Git repo before first push/upload
elif [ "$arg" == "--initpull" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Initializing local Git repo for Pull/Download.";
pull_initialize $1
exit 0
# Push / Upload - Pushes updated local Pi-hole lists to remote Git repo
elif [ "$arg" == "--push" ] || [ "$arg" == "--upload" ] || [ "$arg" == "--up" ] || [ "$arg" == "-u" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Running in Push/Upload mode."
exit 0
# Pull / Download - Pulls updated Pi-hole lists from remote Git repo
elif [ "$arg" == "--pull" ] || [ "$arg" == "--download" ] || [ "$arg" == "--down" ]|| [ "$arg" == "-d" ]; then
echo "$arg option detected. Running in Pull/Download mode."
pull $1
exit 0
# Help - Displays help dialog
elif [ "$arg" == "--help" ] || [ "$arg" == "-h" ] || [ "$arg" == "-?" ]; then
cat <<- EOF
Usage: pihole-cloudsync <option>
--push, --upload, --up, -u Push (upload) your Pi-hole lists to a remote Git repo
--pull, --download, --down, -d [branch] Pull (download) your lists from a remote Git repo
--initpush Initialize Primary Pi-hole in "Push" mode
--initpull [branch] Initialize Secondary Pi-hole in "Pull" mode with optional branch (default: master)
--help, -h, -? Show this help dialog
--version, -v Show the current version of pihole-cloudsync
--push, --upload, --up, -u Push (upload) your Pi-hole lists to a remote Git repo
--pull, --download, --down, -d [branch] Pull (download) your lists from a remote Git repo
--initpush Initialize Primary Pi-hole in "Push" mode
--initpull [branch] Initialize Secondary Pi-hole in "Pull" mode with optional branch (default: master)
--help, -h, -? Show this help dialog
--version, -v Show the current version of pihole-cloudsync
'pihole-cloudsync --push' will push (upload) your lists to a Git repo
'pihole-cloudsync --pull' will pull (download) your lists from a Git repo from origin/master
'pihole-cloudsync --pull main' will pull (download) your lists from a Git repo from origin/main
'pihole-cloudsync --push' will push (upload) your lists to a Git repo
'pihole-cloudsync --pull' will pull (download) your lists from a Git repo from origin/master
'pihole-cloudsync --pull main' will pull (download) your lists from a Git repo from origin/main
Project Home: https://github.com/stevejenkins/pihole-cloudsync
Project Home: https://github.com/stevejenkins/pihole-cloudsync
# Version - Displays version number
elif [ "$arg" == "--version" ] || [ "$arg" == "-v" ]; then
echo 'pihole-cloudsync v'$version' - Updated '"$update";
echo 'https://github.com/stevejenkins/pihole-cloudsync';
# Version - Displays version number
elif [ "$arg" == "--version" ] || [ "$arg" == "-v" ]; then
echo 'pihole-cloudsync v'$version' - Updated '"$update";
echo 'https://github.com/stevejenkins/pihole-cloudsync';
# Invalid command line option was passed
echo "Invalid command line option. Try --push, --pull, or --help."
exit 1
# Invalid command line option was passed
echo "Invalid command line option. Try --push, --pull, or --help."
exit 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user