nwithan8 1616d91ebe - Rewrite nearly the whole thing for better parsing, support, readability, etc. (OOP forever!)
- Consolidate Plex API config with schedules, now in config.yaml
- Changes to schema for schedules
- No more priority of, e.g. date_range over monthly
- No more default
- `misc` reworked to `always`
- Update Docker files
- Update README
- Delete old files, linting stuff (screw mypy)
2023-12-08 17:50:12 -07:00

319 lines
10 KiB

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from typing import Tuple, Union
from pytz import timezone
import modules.logs as logging
def make_plural(word, count: int, suffix_override: str = 's') -> str:
if count > 1:
return f"{word}{suffix_override}"
return word
def quote(string: str) -> str:
return f"\"{string}\""
def status_code_is_success(status_code: int) -> bool:
return 200 <= status_code < 300
def milliseconds_to_minutes_seconds(milliseconds: int) -> str:
seconds = int(milliseconds / 1000)
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
if minutes < 10:
minutes = f"0{minutes}"
seconds = int(seconds % 60)
if seconds < 10:
seconds = f"0{seconds}"
return f"{minutes}:{seconds}"
def now(timezone_code: str = None) -> datetime:
if timezone_code:
return # will raise exception if invalid timezone_code
def now_plus_milliseconds(milliseconds: int, timezone_code: str = None) -> datetime:
if timezone_code:
_now = # will raise exception if invalid timezone_code
_now =
return _now + timedelta(milliseconds=milliseconds)
def now_in_range(start: datetime, end: datetime) -> bool:
_now = now()
return start <= _now <= end
def start_of_time() -> datetime:
return datetime(1970, 1, 1)
def end_of_time() -> datetime:
return datetime(9999, 12, 31)
def start_of_year(year: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not year:
year = _now.year
return datetime(year, 1, 1)
def end_of_year(year: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not year:
year = _now.year
return datetime(year, 12, 31)
def start_of_month(month_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not month_number:
month_number = _now.month
return datetime(_now.year, month_number, 1)
def end_of_month(month_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not month_number:
month_number = _now.month
if month_number == 12:
return end_of_year(year=_now.year) # If month is December, return end of year (shortcut)
return start_of_month(month_number=month_number + 1) - timedelta(
days=1) # Subtract one day from start of next month
def start_of_week_number(week_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not week_number:
week_number = _now.strftime('%U')
return datetime.strptime(f"{_now.year}-W{int(week_number)}-0", "%Y-W%W-%w")
def end_of_week_number(week_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not week_number:
week_number = _now.strftime('%U')
return datetime.strptime(f"{_now.year}-W{int(week_number)}-6", "%Y-W%W-%w")
def make_midnight(date: datetime) -> datetime:
return datetime(date.year, date.month,
def make_right_before_midnight(date: datetime) -> datetime:
return datetime(date.year, date.month,, 23, 59, 59)
def limit_text_length(text: str, limit: int, suffix: str = "...") -> str:
if len(text) <= limit:
return text
suffix_length = len(suffix)
return f"{text[:limit - suffix_length]}{suffix}"
def string_to_datetime(date_string: str, template: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") -> datetime:
Convert a datetime string to a datetime.datetime object
:param date_string: datetime string to convert
:type date_string: str
:param template: (Optional) datetime template to use when parsing string
:type template: str, optional
:return: datetime.datetime object
:rtype: datetime.datetime
if date_string.endswith('Z'):
date_string = date_string[:-5]
return datetime.strptime(date_string, template)
def datetime_to_string(datetime_object: datetime, template: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") -> str:
Convert a datetime.datetime object to a string
:param datetime_object: datetime.datetime object to convert
:type datetime_object: datetime.datetime
:param template: (Optional) datetime template to use when parsing string
:type template: str, optional
:return: str representation of datetime
:rtype: str
return datetime_object.strftime(template)
def wildcard_strings_to_datetimes(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str) -> \
Tuple[Union[datetime, None], Union[datetime, None]]:
Convert date or datetime strings with wildcards to datetime.datetime objects
:param start_date_string: start datetime string to convert
:type start_date_string: str
:param end_date_string: end datetime string to convert
:type end_date_string: str
:return: datetime.datetime object
:rtype: datetime.datetime
if isinstance(start_date_string, date):
start_date_string = start_date_string.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if isinstance(end_date_string, date):
end_date_string = end_date_string.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
start_date_and_time = start_date_string.split(' ')
end_date_and_time = end_date_string.split(' ')
template = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
_now = now()
# Sample: xxxx-xx-xx
# Sample: xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx
_start_date = start_date_and_time[0] # xxxx-xx-xx
_end_date = end_date_and_time[0] # xxxx-xx-xx
need_specific_datetime = False
_start_time = start_date_and_time[1] if len(start_date_and_time) > 1 else "00:00:00"
_end_time = end_date_and_time[1] if len(end_date_and_time) > 1 else "23:59:59"
# Sample: xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx
start_time_parts = _start_time.split(':')
end_time_parts = _end_time.split(':')
start_second = start_time_parts[2]
end_second = end_time_parts[2]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_second != 'xx' and end_second == 'xx') or (start_second == 'xx' and end_second != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible second comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_second
if start_second == 'xx':
start_second = '00'
end_second = '59' # Keep wide to ensure script running time doesn't interfere
need_specific_datetime = True
start_minute = start_time_parts[1]
end_minute = end_time_parts[1]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_minute != 'xx' and end_minute == 'xx') or (start_minute == 'xx' and end_minute != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible minute comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_minute
if start_minute == 'xx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_minute = _now.minute
end_minute = _now.minute + 3 # Give buffer for script running time
start_minute = '00'
end_minute = '59' # Keep wide to ensure script running time doesn't interfere
need_specific_datetime = True
start_hour = start_time_parts[0]
end_hour = end_time_parts[0]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_hour != 'xx' and end_hour == 'xx') or (start_hour == 'xx' and end_hour != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible hour comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_hour
if start_hour == 'xx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_hour = _now.hour
end_hour = _now.hour
start_hour = '00'
end_hour = '23' # Keep wide to ensure script running time doesn't interfere
_start_time = f"{start_hour}:{start_minute}:{start_second}"
_end_time = f"{end_hour}:{end_minute}:{end_second}"
start_date_parts = _start_date.split('-')
end_date_parts = _end_date.split('-')
start_day = start_date_parts[2]
end_day = end_date_parts[2]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_day != 'xx' and end_day == 'xx') or (start_day == 'xx' and end_day != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible day comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_day
if start_day == 'xx':
start_day =
end_day =
need_specific_datetime = True
start_month = start_date_parts[1]
end_month = end_date_parts[1]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_month != 'xx' and end_month == 'xx') or (start_month == 'xx' and end_month != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible month comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_month
if start_month == 'xx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_month = _now.month
end_month = _now.month
start_month = start_of_year().month
end_month = end_of_year().month
need_specific_datetime = True
start_year = start_date_parts[0]
end_year = end_date_parts[0]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_year != 'xxxx' and end_year == 'xxxx') or (start_year == 'xxxx' and end_year != 'xxxx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible year comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_yea
if start_year == 'xxxx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_year = _now.year
end_year = _now.year
start_year = start_of_time().year
end_year = end_of_time().year
_start_date = f"{start_year}-{start_month}-{start_day}"
_end_date = f"{end_year}-{end_month}-{end_day}"
_start_datetime = f"{_start_date} {_start_time}"
_end_datetime = f"{_end_date} {_end_time}"
return string_to_datetime(date_string=_start_datetime, template=template), \
string_to_datetime(date_string=_end_datetime, template=template)