mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 16:52:17 +00:00
- Consolidate Plex API config with schedules, now in config.yaml - Changes to schema for schedules - No more priority of, e.g. date_range over monthly - No more default - `misc` reworked to `always` - Update Docker files - Update README - Delete old files, linting stuff (screw mypy)
319 lines
10 KiB
319 lines
10 KiB
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from typing import Tuple, Union
from pytz import timezone
import modules.logs as logging
def make_plural(word, count: int, suffix_override: str = 's') -> str:
if count > 1:
return f"{word}{suffix_override}"
return word
def quote(string: str) -> str:
return f"\"{string}\""
def status_code_is_success(status_code: int) -> bool:
return 200 <= status_code < 300
def milliseconds_to_minutes_seconds(milliseconds: int) -> str:
seconds = int(milliseconds / 1000)
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
if minutes < 10:
minutes = f"0{minutes}"
seconds = int(seconds % 60)
if seconds < 10:
seconds = f"0{seconds}"
return f"{minutes}:{seconds}"
def now(timezone_code: str = None) -> datetime:
if timezone_code:
return datetime.now(timezone(timezone_code)) # will raise exception if invalid timezone_code
return datetime.now()
def now_plus_milliseconds(milliseconds: int, timezone_code: str = None) -> datetime:
if timezone_code:
_now = datetime.now(timezone(timezone_code)) # will raise exception if invalid timezone_code
_now = datetime.now()
return _now + timedelta(milliseconds=milliseconds)
def now_in_range(start: datetime, end: datetime) -> bool:
_now = now()
return start <= _now <= end
def start_of_time() -> datetime:
return datetime(1970, 1, 1)
def end_of_time() -> datetime:
return datetime(9999, 12, 31)
def start_of_year(year: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not year:
year = _now.year
return datetime(year, 1, 1)
def end_of_year(year: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not year:
year = _now.year
return datetime(year, 12, 31)
def start_of_month(month_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not month_number:
month_number = _now.month
return datetime(_now.year, month_number, 1)
def end_of_month(month_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not month_number:
month_number = _now.month
if month_number == 12:
return end_of_year(year=_now.year) # If month is December, return end of year (shortcut)
return start_of_month(month_number=month_number + 1) - timedelta(
days=1) # Subtract one day from start of next month
def start_of_week_number(week_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not week_number:
week_number = _now.strftime('%U')
return datetime.strptime(f"{_now.year}-W{int(week_number)}-0", "%Y-W%W-%w")
def end_of_week_number(week_number: int = None) -> datetime:
_now = now()
if not week_number:
week_number = _now.strftime('%U')
return datetime.strptime(f"{_now.year}-W{int(week_number)}-6", "%Y-W%W-%w")
def make_midnight(date: datetime) -> datetime:
return datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day)
def make_right_before_midnight(date: datetime) -> datetime:
return datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, 23, 59, 59)
def limit_text_length(text: str, limit: int, suffix: str = "...") -> str:
if len(text) <= limit:
return text
suffix_length = len(suffix)
return f"{text[:limit - suffix_length]}{suffix}"
def string_to_datetime(date_string: str, template: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") -> datetime:
Convert a datetime string to a datetime.datetime object
:param date_string: datetime string to convert
:type date_string: str
:param template: (Optional) datetime template to use when parsing string
:type template: str, optional
:return: datetime.datetime object
:rtype: datetime.datetime
if date_string.endswith('Z'):
date_string = date_string[:-5]
return datetime.strptime(date_string, template)
def datetime_to_string(datetime_object: datetime, template: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") -> str:
Convert a datetime.datetime object to a string
:param datetime_object: datetime.datetime object to convert
:type datetime_object: datetime.datetime
:param template: (Optional) datetime template to use when parsing string
:type template: str, optional
:return: str representation of datetime
:rtype: str
return datetime_object.strftime(template)
def wildcard_strings_to_datetimes(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str) -> \
Tuple[Union[datetime, None], Union[datetime, None]]:
Convert date or datetime strings with wildcards to datetime.datetime objects
:param start_date_string: start datetime string to convert
:type start_date_string: str
:param end_date_string: end datetime string to convert
:type end_date_string: str
:return: datetime.datetime object
:rtype: datetime.datetime
if isinstance(start_date_string, date):
start_date_string = start_date_string.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if isinstance(end_date_string, date):
end_date_string = end_date_string.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
start_date_and_time = start_date_string.split(' ')
end_date_and_time = end_date_string.split(' ')
template = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
_now = now()
# Sample: xxxx-xx-xx
# Sample: xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx
_start_date = start_date_and_time[0] # xxxx-xx-xx
_end_date = end_date_and_time[0] # xxxx-xx-xx
need_specific_datetime = False
_start_time = start_date_and_time[1] if len(start_date_and_time) > 1 else "00:00:00"
_end_time = end_date_and_time[1] if len(end_date_and_time) > 1 else "23:59:59"
# Sample: xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx
start_time_parts = _start_time.split(':')
end_time_parts = _end_time.split(':')
start_second = start_time_parts[2]
end_second = end_time_parts[2]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_second != 'xx' and end_second == 'xx') or (start_second == 'xx' and end_second != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible second comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_second
if start_second == 'xx':
start_second = '00'
end_second = '59' # Keep wide to ensure script running time doesn't interfere
need_specific_datetime = True
start_minute = start_time_parts[1]
end_minute = end_time_parts[1]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_minute != 'xx' and end_minute == 'xx') or (start_minute == 'xx' and end_minute != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible minute comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_minute
if start_minute == 'xx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_minute = _now.minute
end_minute = _now.minute + 3 # Give buffer for script running time
start_minute = '00'
end_minute = '59' # Keep wide to ensure script running time doesn't interfere
need_specific_datetime = True
start_hour = start_time_parts[0]
end_hour = end_time_parts[0]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_hour != 'xx' and end_hour == 'xx') or (start_hour == 'xx' and end_hour != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible hour comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_hour
if start_hour == 'xx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_hour = _now.hour
end_hour = _now.hour
start_hour = '00'
end_hour = '23' # Keep wide to ensure script running time doesn't interfere
_start_time = f"{start_hour}:{start_minute}:{start_second}"
_end_time = f"{end_hour}:{end_minute}:{end_second}"
start_date_parts = _start_date.split('-')
end_date_parts = _end_date.split('-')
start_day = start_date_parts[2]
end_day = end_date_parts[2]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_day != 'xx' and end_day == 'xx') or (start_day == 'xx' and end_day != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible day comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_day
if start_day == 'xx':
start_day = _now.day
end_day = _now.day
need_specific_datetime = True
start_month = start_date_parts[1]
end_month = end_date_parts[1]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_month != 'xx' and end_month == 'xx') or (start_month == 'xx' and end_month != 'xx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible month comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_month
if start_month == 'xx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_month = _now.month
end_month = _now.month
start_month = start_of_year().month
end_month = end_of_year().month
need_specific_datetime = True
start_year = start_date_parts[0]
end_year = end_date_parts[0]
# Can't have a wildcard in one and not the other
if (start_year != 'xxxx' and end_year == 'xxxx') or (start_year == 'xxxx' and end_year != 'xxxx'):
logging.error(message=f"Incompatible year comparison: {start_date_string} - {end_date_string}")
return None, None
# At this point, either they both have wildcards or neither do, we can assume based on start_yea
if start_year == 'xxxx':
if need_specific_datetime:
start_year = _now.year
end_year = _now.year
start_year = start_of_time().year
end_year = end_of_time().year
_start_date = f"{start_year}-{start_month}-{start_day}"
_end_date = f"{end_year}-{end_month}-{end_day}"
_start_datetime = f"{_start_date} {_start_time}"
_end_datetime = f"{_end_date} {_end_time}"
return string_to_datetime(date_string=_start_datetime, template=template), \
string_to_datetime(date_string=_end_datetime, template=template)