# Prusaslicer noVNC Docker Container ## Overview This is a super basic noVNC build using supervisor to serve Prusaslicer in your favorite web browser. This was primarily built for users using the [popular unraid NAS software](https://unraid.net), to allow them to quickly hop in a browser, slice, and upload their favorite 3D prints. A lot of this was branched off of dmagyar's awesome [prusaslicer-vnc-docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/dmagyar/prusaslicer-vnc-docker/) project, but I found it to be a bit complex for my needs and thought this approach would simplify things a lot. ## How to use **In unraid** If you're using unraid, open your Docker page and under `Template repositories`, add `https://github.com/helfrichmichael/unraid-templates` and save it. You should then be able to Add Container for prusaslicer-novnc. For unraid, the template will default to 6080 for the noVNC web instance. **Outside of unraid** To run this image, you can run the following command: `docker run --detach --volume=prusaslicer-novnc-data:/configs/ --volume=prusaslicer-novnc-prints:/prints/ -p 8080:8080 -e SSL_CERT_FILE="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" --name=prusaslicer-novnc prusaslicer-novnc` This will bind `/configs/` in the container to a local volume on my machine named `prusaslicer-novnc-data`. Additionally it will bind `/prints/` in the container to `superslicer-novnc-prints` locally on my machine, it will bind port `8080` to `8080`, and finally, it will provide an environment variable to keep Prusaslicer happy by providing an `SSL_CERT_FILE`. **Using a VNC Viewer** To use a VNC viewer with the container, the default port for X TigerVNC is 5900. You can add this port by adding `-p 5900:5900` to your command to start the container to open this port for access. **GPU Acceleration/Passthrough** Like other Docker containers, you can pass your Nvidia GPU into the container using the `NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` and `NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES` envs. You can define these using the value of `all` or by providing more narrow and specific values. This has only been tested on Nvidia GPUs. In unraid you can set these values during set up. For containers outside of unraid, you can set this by adding the following params or similar `-e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES="all" NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="all"` ## Links [Prusaslicer](https://www.prusa3d.com/prusaslicer/) [Supervisor](http://supervisord.org/) [GitHub Source](https://github.com/helfrichmichael/prusaslicer-novnc) [Docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/mikeah/prusaslicer-novnc) Buy Me A Coffee