#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Change working directory to 'tests/' cd "$(dirname "$0")" # Using .env file when running tests without GitLab CI if [[ -f "dockerfiles/.env" ]]; then set -a source "dockerfiles/.env" set +a fi [[ "$TRACE" ]] && set -x SWARM_NODE_NAME=${SWARM_NODE_NAME:-cluster} SWARM_NODE_IP=${SWARM_NODE_IP:-$(getent hosts "${SWARM_NODE_NAME}" | awk '{ print $1 }')} export BASE_DOMAIN="$SWARM_NODE_IP.nip.io" export PSU_STACK_NAME="web-app" PSU_URL="https://portainer.$BASE_DOMAIN" PSU_USER="admin" PSU_PASSWORD=${PSU_PASSWORD:-"$(openssl rand -hex 50)"} PSU_TAG=$(if [ -n "$PSU_TAG" ]; then eval echo "$PSU_TAG"; else echo "$CI_COMMIT_SHA"; fi) export PSU_TAG PSU_TAG_CORE=$(if [ -n "$PSU_TAG_CORE" ]; then eval echo "$PSU_TAG_CORE"; else echo "core-$CI_COMMIT_SHA"; fi) export PSU_TAG_CORE function psu_wrapper() { docker run --rm $PSU_IMAGE:$PSU_TAG "$@" } function psu_core_wrapper() { docker run --rm $PSU_IMAGE:$PSU_TAG_CORE "$@" } function application_exists() { local stack_name="$1" local stack_info stack_info=$(psu_wrapper inspect \ --auth-token="$PSU_AUTH_TOKEN" \ --url="$PSU_URL" \ --name="$stack_name" \ --insecure \ --debug="false" \ --verbose="false") || true if [ -n "$stack_info" ]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi } # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24067243 function version { echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3); }'; } # Leave Docker Swarm, if already set (docker swarm leave --force && sleep 3) || true # Remove admin password from Docker secrets, if already set docker secret rm psu-portainer-password || true # Delete all stopped containers docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) || true # Remove portainer data, if already set (docker volume rm --force portainer_psu-portainer && sleep 2) || true # Remove web-app data, if already set (docker volume rm --force web-app_psu-php-runner && sleep 2) || true # Init Docker Swarm docker swarm init # Deploy Traefik test # Parse the Docker traefik stack file to deploy envsubst '$TRAEFIK_VERSION,$BASE_DOMAIN' < dockerfiles/docker-stack-traefik.yml > dockerfiles/docker-stack-traefik-final.yml docker stack deploy -c dockerfiles/docker-stack-traefik-final.yml traefik --with-registry-auth bash -c "timeout 20 bash -c 'while ! (echo > /dev/tcp/$SWARM_NODE_NAME/443 && curl -fks --max-time 2 https://traefik.$BASE_DOMAIN) >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done;'" # Deploy Portainer test # Create admin password as a Docker secret # See: https://documentation.portainer.io/v2.0/deploy/initial/ echo -n $PSU_PASSWORD | docker secret create psu-portainer-password - # Parse the Docker portainer stack file to deploy envsubst '$PORTAINER_IMAGE,$PORTAINER_VERSION,$PORTAINER_COMMAND_OPTIONS,$BASE_DOMAIN' < dockerfiles/docker-stack-portainer.yml > dockerfiles/docker-stack-portainer-final.yml docker stack deploy -c dockerfiles/docker-stack-portainer-final.yml portainer --with-registry-auth bash -c "timeout 20 bash -c 'while ! (curl -fkLs --max-time 2 $PSU_URL) >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done;'" # psu version test psu_wrapper --version | grep -E 'version v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' # psu help test # Check if 4 terms present in the help message are visible when running the command [ "$(psu_wrapper --help | grep -E 'Usage|Arguments|Options|Available actions' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "4" ] # psu 'actions' action test # Check if some of the available actions of psu # are visible when running the 'actions' command [ "$(psu_wrapper actions | grep -E ' deploy | rm | ls | status | services | tasks | actions ' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "7" ] # Portainer login test PSU_AUTH_TOKEN=$(psu_wrapper login --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --insecure) # Add GitLab Docker registry access to Portainer envsubst '$CI_REGISTRY_USER,$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD' < gitlab-registry.json > gitlab-registry-final.json curl \ --fail \ --silent \ --insecure \ --max-time 10 \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${PSU_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "@gitlab-registry-final.json" \ "${PSU_URL}/api/registries" # Add local endpoint to the Portainer instance end_point_type_param=EndpointType if [[ "$PORTAINER_VERSION" == "latest" ]] || [ "$(version $PORTAINER_VERSION)" -ge "$(version 2.0)" ]; then # See: https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues/4602#issuecomment-746819197 end_point_type_param=EndpointCreationType fi curl \ --fail \ --silent \ --insecure \ --max-time 10 \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${PSU_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ "${PSU_URL}/api/endpoints?Name=local&${end_point_type_param}=1" # Docker system info from Portainer test docker_info=$(psu_wrapper system:info --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --insecure --debug false --verbose false) [ "$(echo "$docker_info" | jq -j ".DockerRootDir")" == "/var/lib/docker" ] # Parse the Docker compose/stack file to deploy envsubst '$CI_REGISTRY,$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE,$BASE_DOMAIN,$PSU_STACK_NAME' < dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app.yml > dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app-final.yml # Convert docker compose/stack file in a base64 encoded string, # due to some limitations with Docker in Docker and volumes # see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55481515 docker_compose_base64="$(cat dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app-final.yml | base64)" # Lint the Docker compose/stack file to be deployed lint_result=$(psu_wrapper lint --compose-file-base64 "$docker_compose_base64" --debug false --verbose false) [ "$lint_result" == "[OK]" ] # Stack deploy test # Check the 'web-app' stack isn't deployed yet [ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "false" ] # Deploy the 'web-app' stack psu_core_wrapper deploy --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --name $PSU_STACK_NAME --compose-file-base64 "$docker_compose_base64" --insecure $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS [ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "true" ] # Ensure the deployed stack is running correctly psu_wrapper status --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --timeout=30 $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS now=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d") curl -fks --max-time 6 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN | grep -w "OK
$now" # Ensure the deployed stack has no environment variables stack_info=$(psu_wrapper inspect --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --debug=false --verbose=false --insecure) stack_envvars="$(echo -n "$stack_info" | jq ".Env" -jc)" [ "$stack_envvars" == "[]" ] # List deployed stacks with quiet mode test stack_list="$(psu_wrapper ls --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet)" [ "$stack_list" == "$PSU_STACK_NAME" ] # psu 'services' action test # The current stack should have 3 services: # 'web-app_app', 'web-app_job' and 'web-app_web' [ "$(psu_wrapper services --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "3" ] # psu 'tasks:healthy' action test # The current stack should have 3 healthy tasks: [ "$(psu_wrapper tasks:healthy --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "3" ] # psu 'containers' action test # The current stack should have 2 running containers: [ "$(psu_wrapper containers --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "2" ] # Convert env file in a base64 encoded string, # due to some limitations with Docker in Docker and volumes # see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55481515 env_file_base64="$(cat dockerfiles/web-app.env | base64)" # Stack update test psu_wrapper deploy --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --name $PSU_STACK_NAME --compose-file-base64 "$docker_compose_base64" --env-file-base64 "$env_file_base64" --insecure $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS # Check the 'web-app' stack is already deployed [ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "true" ] # Ensure the updated stack is running correctly psu_wrapper status --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --timeout=30 $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS now=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d") curl -fks --max-time 6 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN | grep -w "OK
$now" # Ensure the updated stack has environment variables corresponding to the env file stack_info=$(psu_wrapper inspect --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --debug=false --verbose=false --insecure) stack_envvars="$(echo -n "$stack_info" | jq ".Env" -jc)" [ "$stack_envvars" != "[]" ] env_foo_from_stack="$(echo -n "$stack_envvars" | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"FOO\") | .value" -r)" (. dockerfiles/web-app.env && [ "$FOO" == "$env_foo_from_stack" ]) env_db_migrate_from_stack="$(echo -n "$stack_envvars" | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"DB_MIGRATE\") | .value" -r)" (. dockerfiles/web-app.env && [ "$DB_MIGRATE" == "$env_db_migrate_from_stack" ]) # Stack remove/undeploy test psu_wrapper rm --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --name $PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS [ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "false" ] # Ensure the reverse proxy Traefik free the URL of the removed stack bash -c "timeout 20 bash -c 'while ! (curl -ks --max-time 2 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN | grep -w \"404 page not found\") >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done;'" curl -ks --max-time 6 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN