# Portainer Stack Utils [![Docker Automated build](https://img.shields.io/docker/automated/greenled/portainer-stack-utils.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/greenled/portainer-stack-utils/) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/greenled/portainer-stack-utils.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/greenled/portainer-stack-utils/) [![Microbadger](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/greenled/portainer-stack-utils.svg)](http://microbadger.com/images/greenled/portainer-stack-utils "Image size") Bash script to deploy/update/undeploy stacks in a [Portainer](https://portainer.io/) instance from a [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose) [yaml file](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file). Based on previous work by [@vladbabii](https://github.com/vladbabii) on [docker-how-to/portainer-bash-scripts](https://github.com/docker-how-to/portainer-bash-scripts). ## Supported Portainer API Script was created for the latest Portainer API, which at the time of writing is [1.19.2](https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/deviantony/Portainer/1.19.2). ## How to install Just clone the repo and use the script ```bash git clone https://github.com/greenled/portainer-stack-utils.git cd portainer-stack-utils ./psu ... ``` ### Requirements You will need these dependecies installed: - [bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) - [httpie](https://httpie.org/) - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) For Debian and similar apt-powered systems: `apt install bash httpie jq`. ## How to use The provided `psu` script allows to deploy/update/undeploy Portainer stacks. Settings can be passed through envvars and/or flags. Both envvars and flags can be mixed but flags will always overwrite envvar values. When deploying a stack, if it doesn't exist a new one is created, otherwise it's updated (unless strict mode is active). ### With envvars This is particularly useful for CI/CD pipelines. - `ACTION` ("deploy" or "undeploy", required): Whether to deploy or undeploy the stack - `PORTAINER_USER` (string, required): Username - `PORTAINER_PASSWORD` (string, required): Password - `PORTAINER_URL` (string, required): URL to Portainer - `PORTAINER_STACK_NAME` (string, required): Stack name - `DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE` (string, required if action=deploy): Path to doker-compose file - `ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_FILE` (string, optional, only used when action=deploy or action=update): Path to file with environment variables to be used by the stack. See [stack environment variables](#stack-environment-variables) below. - `PORTAINER_PRUNE` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to prune unused containers or not. Defaults to `"false"`. - `PORTAINER_ENDPOINT` (int, optional): Which endpoint to use. Defaults to `1`. - `HTTPIE_VERIFY_SSL` ("yes" or "no", optional): Whether to verify SSL certificate or not. Defaults to `"yes"`. - `VERBOSE_MODE` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to activate verbose output mode or not. Defaults to `"false"`. See [verbose mode](#verbose-mode) below. - `DEBUG_MODE` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to activate debug output mode or not. Defaults to `"false"`. See [debug mode](#debug-mode) below. - `STRICT_MODE` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to activate strict mode or not. Defaults to `"false"`. See [strict mode](#strict-mode) below. #### Examples ```bash export ACTION="deploy" export PORTAINER_USER="admin" export PORTAINER_PASSWORD="password" export PORTAINER_URL="http://portainer.local" export PORTAINER_STACK_NAME="mystack" export DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE="/path/to/docker-compose.yml" export ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_FILE="/path/to/env_vars_file" ./psu ``` ```bash export ACTION="undeploy" export PORTAINER_USER="admin" export PORTAINER_PASSWORD="password" export PORTAINER_URL="http://portainer.local" export PORTAINER_STACK_NAME="mystack" ./psu ``` ### With flags This is more suitable for standalone script usage. - `-a` ("deploy" or "undeploy", required): Whether to deploy or undeploy the stack - `-u` (string, required): Username - `-p` (string, required): Password - `-l` (string, required): URL to Portainer - `-n` (string, required): Stack name - `-c` (string, required if action=deploy): Path to doker-compose file - `-g` (string, optional, only used when action=deploy or action=update): Path to file with environment variables to be used by the stack. See [stack environment variables](#stack-environment-variables) below. - `-r` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to prune unused containers or not. Defaults to `"false"`. - `-e` (int, optional): Which endpoint to use. Defaults to `1`. - `-s` ("yes" or "no", optional): Whether to verify SSL certificate or not. Defaults to `"yes"`. - `-v` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to activate verbose output mode or not. Defaults to `"false"`. See [verbose mode](#verbose-mode) below. - `-d` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to activate debug output mode or not. Defaults to `"false"`. See [debug mode](#debug-mode) below. - `-t` ("true" or "false", optional): Whether to activate strict mode or not. Defaults to `"false"`. See [strict mode](#strict-mode) below. #### Examples ```bash ./psu -a deploy -u admin -p password -l http://portainer.local -n mystack -c /path/to/docker-compose.yml -g /path/to/env_vars_file ``` ```bash ./psu -a undeploy -u admin -p password -l http://portainer.local -n mystack ``` ### Stack environment variables There can be set environment variables for each stack, be it a new deployment or an update. For example: ```bash touch .env echo "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=agoodpassword" >> .env echo "ALLOWED_HOSTS=*" >> .env ./psu -a deploy -u admin -p password -l http://portainer.local -n django-stack -c /path/to/docker-compose.yml -g env_vars ``` Stack environment variables can be enabled through [ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_FILE envvar](#with-envvars) or [-g flag](#with-flags). ### Verbose mode In verbose mode the script prints execution steps. ```text Getting auth token... Getting stack mystack... Stack mystack not found. Getting Docker info... Getting swarm cluster (if any)... Swarm cluster found. Preparing stack JSON... Creating stack mystack... ``` Verbose mode can be enabled through [VERBOSE_MODE envvar](#with-envvars) or [-v flag](#with-flags). ### Debug mode In debug mode the script prints as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. **WARNING**: Debug mode will print configuration values (with Portainer credentials) and Portainer API responses (with sensitive information like authentication token and stacks environment variables). Avoid using debug mode in CI/CD pipelines, as pipeline logs are usually recorded. Debug mode can be enabled through [DEBUG_MODE envvar](#with-envvars) or [-d flag](#with-flags). ### Strict mode In strict mode the script never updates an existent stack nor removes an unexistent one, and instead exits with an error. Strict mode can be enabled through [STRICT_MODE envvar](#with-envvars) or [-t flag](#with-flags). ## License Source code contained by this project is licensed under the [GNU General Public License version 3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html). See [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for reference.