version: '3.6' services: reverse-proxy: image: traefik:$TRAEFIK_VERSION # Enables the web UI and tells Traefik to listen to docker command: - --api - --docker - - --defaultEntryPoints=http,https # IMPORTANT: The `retry.attempts` param is required to allow zero (1s) downtime deployment - --retry.attempts=10 - "--entryPoints=Name:http Address::80" - "--entryPoints=Name:https Address::443 TLS WhiteList.UseXForwardedFor:true" - --docker.exposedbydefault=false environment: - HTTP_PROXY - HTTPS_PROXY - http_proxy - https_proxy - NO_PROXY ports: - "80:80" - 443:443 # The Web UI (enabled by --api) - "8080:8080" networks: - traefik-net volumes: # So that Traefik can listen to the Docker events - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock deploy: mode: global placement: constraints: - node.role == manager update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s networks: traefik-net: driver: overlay name: traefik-net