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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:34 +00:00
For smaller Docker images, faster execution and to be more portable Running concurrently 'psu' commands should work now, by creating unique temporary file names
224 lines
9.6 KiB
224 lines
9.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Change working directory to 'tests/'
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# Using .env file when running tests without GitLab CI
if [[ -f "dockerfiles/.env" ]]; then
set -a
source "dockerfiles/.env"
set +a
[[ "$TRACE" ]] && set -x
SWARM_NODE_IP=${SWARM_NODE_IP:-$(getent hosts $SWARM_NODE_NAME | awk '{ print $1 }')}
export BASE_DOMAIN="$SWARM_NODE_IP.nip.io"
export PSU_STACK_NAME="web-app"
PSU_PASSWORD=${PSU_PASSWORD:-"$(openssl rand -hex 50)"}
PSU_TAG=$(if [ -n "$PSU_TAG" ]; then
eval echo "$PSU_TAG";
echo "$CI_COMMIT_SHA";
export PSU_TAG
PSU_TAG_CORE=$(if [ -n "$PSU_TAG_CORE" ]; then
eval echo "$PSU_TAG_CORE";
echo "core-$CI_COMMIT_SHA";
function psu_wrapper() {
docker run --rm $PSU_IMAGE:$PSU_TAG "$@"
function psu_core_wrapper() {
docker run --rm $PSU_IMAGE:$PSU_TAG_CORE "$@"
function application_exists() {
local stack_name="$1"
local stack_info
stack_info=$(psu_wrapper inspect \
--auth-token="$PSU_AUTH_TOKEN" \
--url="$PSU_URL" \
--name="$stack_name" \
--insecure \
--debug="false" \
--verbose="false") || true
if [ -n "$stack_info" ]; then
echo "true"
echo "false"
# Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24067243
function version {
echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3); }';
# Leave Docker Swarm, if already set
(docker swarm leave --force && sleep 3) || true
# Remove admin password from Docker secrets, if already set
docker secret rm psu-portainer-password || true
# Delete all stopped containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) || true
# Remove portainer data, if already set
(docker volume rm --force portainer_psu-portainer && sleep 2) || true
# Remove web-app data, if already set
(docker volume rm --force web-app_psu-php-runner && sleep 2) || true
# Init Docker Swarm
docker swarm init
# Deploy Traefik test
# Parse the Docker traefik stack file to deploy
envsubst '$TRAEFIK_VERSION,$BASE_DOMAIN' < dockerfiles/docker-stack-traefik.yml > dockerfiles/docker-stack-traefik-final.yml
docker stack deploy -c dockerfiles/docker-stack-traefik-final.yml traefik --with-registry-auth
bash -c "timeout 20 bash -c 'while ! (echo > /dev/tcp/$SWARM_NODE_NAME/443 && curl -fks --max-time 2 https://traefik.$BASE_DOMAIN) >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done;'"
# Deploy Portainer test
# Create admin password as a Docker secret
# See: https://documentation.portainer.io/v2.0/deploy/initial/
echo -n $PSU_PASSWORD | docker secret create psu-portainer-password -
# Parse the Docker portainer stack file to deploy
envsubst '$PORTAINER_IMAGE,$PORTAINER_VERSION,$PORTAINER_COMMAND_OPTIONS,$BASE_DOMAIN' < dockerfiles/docker-stack-portainer.yml > dockerfiles/docker-stack-portainer-final.yml
docker stack deploy -c dockerfiles/docker-stack-portainer-final.yml portainer --with-registry-auth
bash -c "timeout 20 bash -c 'while ! (curl -fkLs --max-time 2 $PSU_URL) >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done;'"
# psu version test
psu_wrapper --version | grep -E 'version v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'
# psu help test
# Check if 4 terms present in the help message are visible when running the command
[ "$(psu_wrapper --help | grep -E 'Usage|Arguments|Options|Available actions' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "4" ]
# psu 'actions' action test
# Check if some of the available actions of psu
# are visible when running the 'actions' command
[ "$(psu_wrapper actions | grep -E ' deploy | rm | ls | status | services | tasks | actions ' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "7" ]
# Portainer login test
PSU_AUTH_TOKEN=$(psu_wrapper login --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --insecure)
# Add GitLab Docker registry access to Portainer
envsubst '$CI_REGISTRY_USER,$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD' < gitlab-registry.json > gitlab-registry-final.json
curl \
--fail \
--silent \
--insecure \
--max-time 10 \
--request POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${PSU_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "@gitlab-registry-final.json" \
# Add local endpoint to the Portainer instance
if [[ "$PORTAINER_VERSION" == "latest" ]] || [ "$(version $PORTAINER_VERSION)" -ge "$(version 2.0)" ]; then
# See: https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues/4602#issuecomment-746819197
curl \
--fail \
--silent \
--insecure \
--max-time 10 \
--request POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${PSU_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
# Docker system info from Portainer test
docker_info=$(psu_wrapper system:info --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --insecure --debug false --verbose false)
[ "$(echo "$docker_info" | jq -j ".DockerRootDir")" == "/var/lib/docker" ]
# Parse the Docker compose/stack file to deploy
envsubst '$CI_REGISTRY,$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE,$BASE_DOMAIN,$PSU_STACK_NAME' < dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app.yml > dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app-final.yml
# Convert docker compose/stack file in a base64 encoded string,
# due to some limitations with Docker in Docker and volumes
# see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55481515
docker_compose_base64="$(cat dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app-final.yml | base64)"
# Lint the Docker compose/stack file to be deployed
lint_result=$(psu_wrapper lint --compose-file-base64 "$docker_compose_base64" --debug false --verbose false)
[ "$lint_result" == "[OK]" ]
# Stack deploy test
# Check the 'web-app' stack isn't deployed yet
[ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "false" ]
# Deploy the 'web-app' stack
psu_core_wrapper deploy --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --name $PSU_STACK_NAME --compose-file-base64 "$docker_compose_base64" --insecure $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS
[ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "true" ]
# Ensure the deployed stack is running correctly
psu_wrapper status --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --timeout=30 $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS
now=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d")
curl -fks --max-time 6 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN | grep -w "OK<br>$now"
# Ensure the deployed stack has no environment variables
stack_info=$(psu_wrapper inspect --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --debug=false --verbose=false --insecure)
stack_envvars="$(echo -n "$stack_info" | jq ".Env" -jc)"
[ "$stack_envvars" == "[]" ]
# List deployed stacks with quiet mode test
stack_list="$(psu_wrapper ls --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet)"
[ "$stack_list" == "$PSU_STACK_NAME" ]
# psu 'services' action test
# The current stack should have 3 services:
# 'web-app_app', 'web-app_job' and 'web-app_web'
[ "$(psu_wrapper services --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "3" ]
# psu 'tasks:healthy' action test
# The current stack should have 3 healthy tasks:
[ "$(psu_wrapper tasks:healthy --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "3" ]
# psu 'containers' action test
# The current stack should have 2 running containers:
[ "$(psu_wrapper containers --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --debug false --verbose false --quiet | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" == "2" ]
# Convert env file in a base64 encoded string,
# due to some limitations with Docker in Docker and volumes
# see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55481515
env_file_base64="$(cat dockerfiles/web-app.env | base64)"
# Stack update test
psu_wrapper deploy --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --name $PSU_STACK_NAME --compose-file-base64 "$docker_compose_base64" --env-file-base64 "$env_file_base64" --insecure $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS
# Check the 'web-app' stack is already deployed
[ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "true" ]
# Ensure the updated stack is running correctly
psu_wrapper status --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure --timeout=30 $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS
now=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d")
curl -fks --max-time 6 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN | grep -w "OK<br>$now"
# Ensure the updated stack has environment variables corresponding to the env file
stack_info=$(psu_wrapper inspect --user=$PSU_USER --password=$PSU_PASSWORD --url=$PSU_URL --name=$PSU_STACK_NAME --debug=false --verbose=false --insecure)
stack_envvars="$(echo -n "$stack_info" | jq ".Env" -jc)"
[ "$stack_envvars" != "[]" ]
env_foo_from_stack="$(echo -n "$stack_envvars" | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"FOO\") | .value" -r)"
(. dockerfiles/web-app.env && [ "$FOO" == "$env_foo_from_stack" ])
env_db_migrate_from_stack="$(echo -n "$stack_envvars" | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"DB_MIGRATE\") | .value" -r)"
(. dockerfiles/web-app.env && [ "$DB_MIGRATE" == "$env_db_migrate_from_stack" ])
# Stack remove/undeploy test
psu_wrapper rm --user $PSU_USER --password $PSU_PASSWORD --url $PSU_URL --name $PSU_STACK_NAME --insecure $PORTAINER_DEPLOY_EXTRA_ARGS
[ "$(application_exists $PSU_STACK_NAME)" == "false" ]
# Ensure the reverse proxy Traefik free the URL of the removed stack
bash -c "timeout 20 bash -c 'while ! (curl -ks --max-time 2 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN | grep -w \"404 page not found\") >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done;'"
curl -ks --max-time 6 https://$PSU_STACK_NAME.$BASE_DOMAIN