name: "pve-fake-subscription" arch: "all" platform: "linux" version: "0.0.9" version_schema: "semver" version_metadata: "git" epoch: 0 release: 1 section: "admin" priority: "optional" maintainer: "Nobody " depends: - python3 description: | Pollute the subscription cache of Proxmox VE (>=5.0), Proxmox Mail Gateway (>=5.0) & Proxmox Backup Server (>=1.0) so it won't alert you on dashboard login vendor: "none" homepage: "" license: "GLWTS(Good Luck With That Shit) Public License" contents: - src: "./usr/bin/pve-fake-subscription" dst: "/usr/bin/pve-fake-subscription" file_info: mode: 0755 - src: "./usr/lib/systemd" dst: "/usr/lib/systemd" file_info: mode: 0644 - src: "./usr/share/doc/pve-fake-subscription" dst: "/usr/share/doc/pve-fake-subscription" file_info: mode: 0644 scripts: postinstall: "./scripts/postinst" preremove: "./scripts/prerm" postremove: "./scripts/postrm"