import asyncio import json import logging import re from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE from pprint import pprint from typing import Optional from twitchdl.output import print_out async def join_vods(playlist_path: str, target: str, overwrite: bool, video: dict): command = [ "ffmpeg", "-i", playlist_path, "-c", "copy", "-metadata", "artist={}".format(video["creator"]["displayName"]), "-metadata", "title={}".format(video["title"]), "-metadata", "encoded_by=twitch-dl", "-stats", "-loglevel", "warning", f"file:{target}", ] if overwrite: command.append("-y") # command = ["ls", "-al"] print_out("{}".format(" ".join(command))) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) assert process.stderr is not None await asyncio.gather( # _read_stream("stdout", process.stdout), _print_progress("stderr", process.stderr), process.wait() ) print(process.returncode) async def _read_stream(name: str, stream: Optional[asyncio.StreamReader]): if stream: async for line in readlines(stream): print(name, ">", line) async def _print_progress(stream: asyncio.StreamReader): async for line in readlines(stream): print(name, ">", line) pattern = re.compile(br"[\r\n]+") async def readlines(stream: asyncio.StreamReader): data = bytearray() while not stream.at_eof(): lines = pattern.split(data) data[:] = lines.pop(-1) for line in lines: yield line data.extend(await if __name__ == "__main__": # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) video = json.loads('{"id": "1555108011", "title": "Cult of the Lamb", "publishedAt": "2022-08-07T17:00:30Z", "broadcastType": "ARCHIVE", "lengthSeconds": 17948, "game": {"name": "Cult of the Lamb"}, "creator": {"login": "bananasaurus_rex", "displayName": "Bananasaurus_Rex"}, "playlists": [{"bandwidth": 8446533, "resolution": [1920, 1080], "codecs": "avc1.64002A,mp4a.40.2", "video": "chunked", "uri": ""}, {"bandwidth": 3432426, "resolution": [1280, 720], "codecs": "avc1.4D0020,mp4a.40.2", "video": "720p60", "uri": ""}, {"bandwidth": 1445268, "resolution": [852, 480], "codecs": "avc1.4D001F,mp4a.40.2", "video": "480p30", "uri": ""}, {"bandwidth": 215355, "resolution": null, "codecs": "mp4a.40.2", "video": "audio_only", "uri": ""}, {"bandwidth": 705523, "resolution": [640, 360], "codecs": "avc1.4D001E,mp4a.40.2", "video": "360p30", "uri": ""}, {"bandwidth": 285614, "resolution": [284, 160], "codecs": "avc1.4D000C,mp4a.40.2", "video": "160p30", "uri": ""}]}') playlist_path = "/tmp/twitch-dl/278bcbd011d28f96b856_bananasaurus_rex_40035345017_1659891626/160p30/playlist_downloaded.m3u8", "out.mkv", True, video), debug=True)