# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import sys import re from itertools import islice from twitchdl import utils START_CODES = { 'b': '\033[1m', 'dim': '\033[2m', 'i': '\033[3m', 'u': '\033[4m', 'red': '\033[91m', 'green': '\033[92m', 'yellow': '\033[93m', 'blue': '\033[94m', 'magenta': '\033[95m', 'cyan': '\033[96m', } END_CODE = '\033[0m' START_PATTERN = "<(" + "|".join(START_CODES.keys()) + ")>" END_PATTERN = "" USE_ANSI_COLOR = "--no-color" not in sys.argv def start_code(match): name = match.group(1) return START_CODES[name] def colorize(text): text = re.sub(START_PATTERN, start_code, text) text = re.sub(END_PATTERN, END_CODE, text) return text def strip_tags(text): text = re.sub(START_PATTERN, '', text) text = re.sub(END_PATTERN, '', text) return text def print_out(*args, **kwargs): args = [colorize(a) if USE_ANSI_COLOR else strip_tags(a) for a in args] print(*args, **kwargs) def print_json(data): print(json.dumps(data)) def print_err(*args, **kwargs): args = ["{}".format(a) for a in args] args = [colorize(a) if USE_ANSI_COLOR else strip_tags(a) for a in args] print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def print_log(*args, **kwargs): args = ["{}".format(a) for a in args] args = [colorize(a) if USE_ANSI_COLOR else strip_tags(a) for a in args] print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def print_video(video): published_at = video["publishedAt"].replace("T", " @ ").replace("Z", "") length = utils.format_duration(video["lengthSeconds"]) channel = "{}".format(video["creator"]["displayName"]) if video["creator"] else "" playing = "playing {}".format(video["game"]["name"]) if video["game"] else "" # Can't find URL in video object, strange url = "https://www.twitch.tv/videos/{}".format(video["id"]) print_out("Video {}".format(video["id"])) print_out("{}".format(video["title"])) if channel or playing: print_out(" ".join([channel, playing])) print_out("Published {} Length: {} ".format(published_at, length)) print_out("{}".format(url)) def print_paged_videos(generator, page_size, total_count): iterator = iter(generator) page = list(islice(iterator, page_size)) first = 1 last = first + len(page) - 1 while True: print_out("-" * 80) print_out() for video in page: print_video(video) print_out() last = first + len(page) - 1 print_out("-" * 80) print_out("Videos {}-{} of {}".format(first, last, total_count)) first = first + len(page) last = first + 1 page = list(islice(iterator, page_size)) if not page or not _continue(): break def print_clip(clip): published_at = clip["createdAt"].replace("T", " @ ").replace("Z", "") length = utils.format_duration(clip["durationSeconds"]) channel = clip["broadcaster"]["displayName"] playing = ( "playing {}".format(clip["game"]["name"]) if clip["game"] else "" ) print_out("Clip {}".format(clip["slug"])) print_out("{}".format(clip["title"])) print_out("{} {}".format(channel, playing)) print_out( "Published {}" " Length: {}" " Views: {}".format(published_at, length, clip["viewCount"])) print_out("{}".format(clip["url"])) def _continue(): print_out("Press Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to break.") try: input() except KeyboardInterrupt: return False return True