# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import sys import re from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError from typing import NamedTuple, List, Tuple, Any, Dict from twitchdl.exceptions import ConsoleError from twitchdl.output import print_err from twitchdl.twitch import GQLError from . import commands, __version__ Argument = Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, Any]] class Command(NamedTuple): name: str description: str arguments: List[Argument] CLIENT_WEBSITE = "https://twitch-dl.bezdomni.net/" def time(value: str) -> int: """Parse a time string (hh:mm or hh:mm:ss) to number of seconds.""" parts = [int(p) for p in value.split(":")] if not 2 <= len(parts) <= 3: raise ArgumentTypeError() hours = parts[0] minutes = parts[1] seconds = parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else 0 if hours < 0 or not (0 <= minutes <= 59) or not (0 <= seconds <= 59): raise ArgumentTypeError() return hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds def pos_integer(value: str) -> int: try: parsed = int(value) except ValueError: raise ArgumentTypeError("must be an integer") if parsed < 1: raise ArgumentTypeError("must be positive") return parsed def rate(value: str) -> int: match = re.search(r"^([0-9]+)(k|m|)$", value, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if not match: raise ArgumentTypeError("must be an integer, followed by an optional 'k' or 'm'") amount = int(match.group(1)) unit = match.group(2) if unit == "k": return amount * 1024 if unit == "m": return amount * 1024 * 1024 return amount COMMANDS = [ Command( name="videos", description="List videos for a channel.", arguments=[ (["channel_name"], { "help": "Name of the channel to list videos for.", "type": str, }), (["-g", "--game"], { "help": "Show videos of given game (can be given multiple times)", "action": "append", "type": str, }), (["-l", "--limit"], { "help": "Number of videos to fetch. Defaults to 40 in copmpact mode, 10 otherwise.", "type": pos_integer, }), (["-a", "--all"], { "help": "Fetch all videos, overrides --limit", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["-s", "--sort"], { "help": "Sorting order of videos. Defaults to `time`.", "type": str, "choices": ["views", "time"], "default": "time", }), (["-t", "--type"], { "help": "Broadcast type. Defaults to `archive`.", "type": str, "choices": ["archive", "highlight", "upload"], "default": "archive", }), (["-j", "--json"], { "help": "Show results as JSON. Ignores `--pager`.", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["-p", "--pager"], { "help": "Print videos in pages. Ignores `--limit`. Defaults to 10.", "type": pos_integer, "nargs": "?", "const": 10, }), (["-c", "--compact"], { "help": "Show videos in compact mode, one line per video", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), ], ), Command( name="clips", description="List or download clips for a channel.", arguments=[ (["channel_name"], { "help": "Name of the channel to list clips for.", "type": str, }), (["-l", "--limit"], { "help": "Number of videos to fetch (default 10, max 100)", "type": pos_integer, "default": 10, }), (["-a", "--all"], { "help": "Fetch all videos, overrides --limit", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["-P", "--period"], { "help": "Period from which to return clips. Defaults to `all_time`.", "type": str, "choices": ["last_day", "last_week", "last_month", "all_time"], "default": "all_time", }), (["-j", "--json"], { "help": "Show results as JSON. Ignores `--pager`.", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["-p", "--pager"], { "help": "Number of clips to show per page. Disabled by default.", "type": pos_integer, "nargs": "?", "const": 10, }), (["-d", "--download"], { "help": "Download all videos in given period (in source quality)", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), ], ), Command( name="download", description="Download videos or clips.", arguments=[ (["videos"], { "help": "One or more video ID, clip slug or twitch URL to download.", "type": str, "nargs": "+", }), (["-w", "--max-workers"], { "help": "Number of workers for downloading vods concurrently (default 5)", "type": int, "default": 5, }), (["-s", "--start"], { "help": "Download video from this time (hh:mm or hh:mm:ss)", "type": time, "default": None, }), (["-e", "--end"], { "help": "Download video up to this time (hh:mm or hh:mm:ss)", "type": time, "default": None, }), (["-f", "--format"], { "help": "Video format to convert into, passed to ffmpeg as the " "target file extension. Defaults to `mkv`.", "type": str, "default": "mkv", }), (["-k", "--keep"], { "help": "Don't delete downloaded VODs and playlists after merging.", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["-q", "--quality"], { "help": "Video quality, e.g. 720p. Set to 'source' to get best quality.", "type": str, }), (["-a", "--auth-token"], { "help": "Authentication token, passed to Twitch to access subscriber only " "VODs. Can be copied from the 'auth_token' cookie in any browser " "logged in on Twitch.", "type": str, "default": None, }), (["--no-join"], { "help": "Don't run ffmpeg to join the downloaded vods, implies --keep.", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["--overwrite"], { "help": "Overwrite the target file if it already exists without prompting.", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), (["-o", "--output"], { "help": "Output file name template. See docs for details.", "type": str, "default": "{date}_{id}_{channel_login}_{title_slug}.{format}" }), (["-r", "--rate-limit"], { "help": "Limit the maximum download speed in bytes per second. " "Use 'k' and 'm' suffixes for kbps and mbps.", "type": rate, }), (["-c", "--chapter"], { "help": "Download a single chapter of the video. Specify the chapter number or " "use the flag without a number to display a chapter select prompt.", "type": int, "nargs": "?", "const": 0 }), (["-d", "--dry-run"], { "help": "argument provides users with a simulation mode, them to " "preview the download process without actually downloading any files", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), ], ), Command( name="info", description="Print information for a given Twitch URL, video ID or clip slug.", arguments=[ (["video"], { "help": "Video ID, clip slug, or URL", "type": str, }), (["-j", "--json"], { "help": "Show results as JSON", "action": "store_true", "default": False, }), ], ), Command( name="env", description="Print environment information for inclusion in bug reports.", arguments=[], ) ] COMMON_ARGUMENTS = [ (["--debug"], { "help": "show debug log in console", "action": 'store_true', "default": False, }), (["--no-color"], { "help": "disable ANSI colors in output", "action": 'store_true', "default": False, }) ] def get_parser(): description = "A script for downloading videos from Twitch" parser = ArgumentParser(prog='twitch-dl', description=description, epilog=CLIENT_WEBSITE) parser.add_argument("--version", help="show version number", action='store_true') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands") for command in COMMANDS: sub = subparsers.add_parser( command.name, description=command.description, epilog=CLIENT_WEBSITE ) # Set the function to call to the function of same name in the "commands" package sub.set_defaults(func=commands.__dict__.get(command.name)) for args, kwargs in command.arguments + COMMON_ARGUMENTS: sub.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) return parser def main(): parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if "--debug" in sys.argv: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if args.version: print("twitch-dl v{}".format(__version__)) return if "func" not in args: parser.print_help() return try: args.func(args) except ConsoleError as e: print_err(e) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_err("\nOperation canceled") sys.exit(1) except GQLError as e: print_err(e) for err in e.errors: print_err("*", err["message"]) sys.exit(1)