import re import subprocess import tempfile from datetime import datetime from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from functools import partial from urllib.request import urlretrieve from twitchdl import twitch from twitchdl.output import print_out def read_int(msg, min, max, default): msg = msg + " [default {}]: ".format(default) while True: try: val = input(msg) if not val: return default if min <= int(val) <= max: return int(val) except ValueError: pass def format_size(bytes_): if bytes_ < 1024: return str(bytes_) kilo = bytes_ / 1024 if kilo < 1024: return "{:.1f}K".format(kilo) mega = kilo / 1024 if mega < 1024: return "{:.1f}M".format(mega) return "{:.1f}G".format(mega / 1024) def format_duration(total_seconds): total_seconds = int(total_seconds) hours = total_seconds // 3600 remainder = total_seconds % 3600 minutes = remainder // 60 seconds = total_seconds % 60 if hours: return "{} h {} min".format(hours, minutes) if minutes: return "{} min {} sec".format(minutes, seconds) return "{} sec".format(seconds) def _print_video(video): published_at = video['published_at'].replace('T', ' @ ').replace('Z', '') length = format_duration(video['length']) name = video['channel']['display_name'] print_out("\n{}".format(video['_id'][1:])) print_out("{}".format(video["title"])) print_out("{} playing {}".format(name, video['game'])) print_out("Published {} Length: {} ".format(published_at, length)) def videos(channel_name, **kwargs): videos = twitch.get_channel_videos(channel_name) print("Found {} videos".format(videos["_total"])) for video in videos['videos']: _print_video(video) def _select_playlist_by_quality(playlists): print("\nAvailable qualities:") for no, v in playlists.items(): print("{}) {}".format(no, v[0])) keys = list(playlists.keys()) no = read_int("Choose quality", min=min(keys), max=max(keys), default=keys[0]) return playlists[no][1] def _print_progress(futures): counter = 1 total = len(futures) total_size = 0 start_time = for future in as_completed(futures): file, headers = future.result() percentage = 100 * counter // total total_size += int(headers.get("Content-Length")) duration = ( - start_time).seconds speed = total_size // duration if duration else 0 remaining = (total - counter) * duration / counter msg = "Downloaded VOD {}/{} ({}%) total {}B at {}B/s remaining {}".format( counter, total, percentage, format_size(total_size), format_size(speed), format_duration(remaining)) print_out("\r" + msg.ljust(80), end='') counter += 1 def _download_files(base_url, directory, filenames, max_workers): args = [(base_url.format(f), "/".join([directory, f])) for f in filenames] fns = [partial(urlretrieve, url, path) for url, path in args] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: futures = [executor.submit(fn) for fn in fns] _print_progress(futures) return [f.result()[0] for f in futures] def _join_vods(directory, filenames, target): input_path = "{}/files.txt".format(directory) with open(input_path, 'w') as f: for filename in filenames: f.write('file {}\n'.format(filename)) result =[ "ffmpeg", "-f", "concat", "-i", input_path, "-c", "copy", target, "-stats", "-loglevel", "warning", ]) result.check_returncode() def _video_target_filename(video, format): dttm = re.sub(r'\D+', '-', video['published_at'][:16]) name = " - ".join([dttm, video['channel']['display_name'], video['game']]) return "{}.{}".format(name, format) def download(video_id, max_workers, format='mkv', **kwargs): print("Looking up video...") video = twitch.get_video(video_id) print("Fetching access token...") access_token = twitch.get_access_token(video_id) print("Fetching playlists...") playlists = twitch.get_playlists(video_id, access_token) playlist_url = _select_playlist_by_quality(playlists) print("\nFetching playlist...") base_url, filenames = twitch.get_playlist_urls(playlist_url) target = _video_target_filename(video, format) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory: print("Downloading with {} workers...".format(max_workers)) _download_files(base_url, directory, filenames, max_workers) print("\n\nJoining files...") _join_vods(directory, filenames, target) print("\nDownloaded: {}".format(target))