import m3u8 import os import pathlib import re import requests import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from urllib.parse import urlparse from twitchdl import twitch, utils from import download_files from twitchdl.exceptions import ConsoleError from twitchdl.output import print_out, print_video def videos(channel_name, limit, offset, sort, **kwargs): print_out("Looking up user...") user = twitch.get_user(channel_name) if not user: raise ConsoleError("User {} not found.".format(channel_name)) print_out("Loading videos...") videos = twitch.get_channel_videos(user["id"], limit, offset, sort) count = len(videos['videos']) if not count: print_out("No videos found") return first = offset + 1 last = offset + len(videos['videos']) total = videos["_total"] print_out("Showing videos {}-{} of {}".format(first, last, total)) for video in videos['videos']: print_video(video) def _select_quality(playlists): print_out("\nAvailable qualities:") for n, p in enumerate(playlists): name =[0].name if else "" resolution = "x".join(str(r) for r in p.stream_info.resolution) print_out("{}) {} [{}]".format(n + 1, name, resolution)) no = utils.read_int("Choose quality", min=1, max=len(playlists) + 1, default=1) return playlists[no - 1] def _join_vods(directory, file_paths, target): input_path = "{}/files.txt".format(directory) with open(input_path, 'w') as f: for path in file_paths: f.write('file {}\n'.format(os.path.basename(path))) result =[ "ffmpeg", "-f", "concat", "-i", input_path, "-c", "copy", target, "-stats", "-loglevel", "warning", ]) result.check_returncode() def _video_target_filename(video, format): match ="^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T", video['published_at']) date = "".join(match.groups()) name = "_".join([ date, video['_id'][1:], video['channel']['name'], utils.slugify(video['title']), ]) return name + "." + format def _parse_video_id(video_id): """This can be either a integer ID or an URL to the video on twitch.""" if"^\d+$", video_id): return int(video_id) match ="^\d+)(\?.+)?$", video_id) if match: return int( raise ConsoleError("Invalid video ID given, expected integer ID or Twitch URL") def _get_files(playlist, start, end): """Extract files for download from playlist.""" vod_start = 0 for segment in playlist.segments: vod_end = vod_start + segment.duration # `vod_end > start` is used here becuase it's better to download a bit # more than a bit less, similar for the end condition start_condition = not start or vod_end > start end_condition = not end or vod_start < end if start_condition and end_condition: yield segment.uri vod_start = vod_end def _crete_temp_dir(base_uri): """Create a temp dir to store downloads if it doesn't exist.""" path = urlparse(base_uri).path directory = '{}/twitch-dl{}'.format(tempfile.gettempdir(), path) pathlib.Path(directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return directory def download(video_id, max_workers, format='mkv', start=None, end=None, keep=False, **kwargs): video_id = _parse_video_id(video_id) if start and end and end <= start: raise ConsoleError("End time must be greater than start time") print_out("Looking up video...") video = twitch.get_video(video_id) print_out("Found: {} by {}".format( video['title'], video['channel']['display_name'])) print_out("Fetching access token...") access_token = twitch.get_access_token(video_id) print_out("Fetching playlists...") playlists = twitch.get_playlists(video_id, access_token) parsed = m3u8.loads(playlists) selected = _select_quality(parsed.playlists) print_out("\nFetching playlist...") response = requests.get(selected.uri) response.raise_for_status() playlist = m3u8.loads(response.text) base_uri = re.sub("/[^/]+$", "/", selected.uri) target_dir = _crete_temp_dir(base_uri) filenames = list(_get_files(playlist, start, end)) # Save playlists for debugging purposes with open(target_dir + "playlists.m3u8", "w") as f: f.write(playlists) with open(target_dir + "playlist.m3u8", "w") as f: f.write(response.text) print_out("\nDownloading {} VODs using {} workers to {}".format( len(filenames), max_workers, target_dir)) file_paths = download_files(base_uri, target_dir, filenames, max_workers) print_out("\n\nJoining files...") target = _video_target_filename(video, format) _join_vods(target_dir, file_paths, target) if keep: print_out("\nTemporary files not deleted: {}".format(target_dir)) else: print_out("\nDeleting temporary files...") shutil.rmtree(target_dir) print_out("Downloaded: {}".format(target))