import re from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import timedelta from twitchdl.exceptions import ConsoleError def parse_playlists(data): media_pattern = re.compile(r'^#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=VIDEO,GROUP-ID="(?P\w+)",NAME="(?P\w+)"') playlists = OrderedDict() n = 1 name = None for line in data.split(): match = re.match(media_pattern, line) if match: name ='name') elif line.startswith('http'): playlists[n] = (name, line) n += 1 return playlists def _get_files(playlist, start, end): matches = re.findall(r"#EXTINF:(\d+)(\.\d+)?,.*?\s+(\d+.ts)", playlist) vod_start = 0 for m in matches: filename = m[2] vod_duration = int(m[0]) vod_end = vod_start + vod_duration # `vod_end > start` is used here becuase it's better to download a bit # more than a bit less, similar for the end condition start_condition = not start or vod_end > start end_condition = not end or vod_start < end if start_condition and end_condition: yield filename vod_start = vod_end def parse_playlist(url, playlist, start, end): base_url = re.sub("/[^/]+$", "/{}", url) match ="#EXT-X-TWITCH-TOTAL-SECS:(\d+)(.\d+)?", playlist) total_seconds = int( # Now that video duration is known, validate start and end max values if start and start > total_seconds: raise ConsoleError("Start time {} greater than video duration {}".format( timedelta(seconds=start), timedelta(seconds=total_seconds) )) if end and end > total_seconds: raise ConsoleError("End time {} greater than video duration {}".format( timedelta(seconds=end), timedelta(seconds=total_seconds) )) files = list(_get_files(playlist, start, end)) return base_url, files