""" These tests depend on the channel having some videos and clips published. """ from twitchdl import twitch TEST_CHANNEL = "bananasaurus_rex" def test_get_videos(): videos = twitch.get_channel_videos(TEST_CHANNEL, 3, "time") assert videos["pageInfo"] assert len(videos["edges"]) > 0 video_id = videos["edges"][0]["node"]["id"] video = twitch.get_video(video_id) assert video["id"] == video_id def test_get_clips(): """ This test depends on the channel having some videos published. """ clips = twitch.get_channel_clips(TEST_CHANNEL, "all_time", 3) assert clips["pageInfo"] assert len(clips["edges"]) > 0 clip_slug = clips["edges"][0]["node"]["slug"] clip = twitch.get_clip(clip_slug) assert clip["slug"] == clip_slug