import json import sys from itertools import islice from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, List, Optional, TypeVar import click from twitchdl import utils from twitchdl.entities import Clip, Video T = TypeVar("T") def clear_line(): sys.stdout.write("\033[1K") sys.stdout.write("\r") def truncate(string: str, length: int) -> str: if len(string) > length: return string[: length - 1] + "…" return string def print_json(data: Any): click.echo(json.dumps(data)) def print_log(message: Any, *, nl: bool = True): click.secho(message, err=True, dim=True, nl=nl) def visual_len(text: str): return len(click.unstyle(text)) def ljust(text: str, width: int): diff = width - visual_len(text) return text + (" " * diff) if diff > 0 else text def print_table(headers: List[str], data: List[List[str]]): widths = [[visual_len(cell) for cell in row] for row in data + [headers]] widths = [max(width) for width in zip(*widths)] underlines = ["-" * width for width in widths] def print_row(row: List[str]): for idx, cell in enumerate(row): width = widths[idx] click.echo(ljust(cell, width), nl=False) click.echo(" ", nl=False) click.echo() print_row(headers) print_row(underlines) for row in data: print_row(row) def print_paged( label: str, generator: Generator[T, Any, Any], print_fn: Callable[[T], None], page_size: int, total_count: Optional[int] = None, ): iterator = iter(generator) page = list(islice(iterator, page_size)) first = 1 last = first + len(page) - 1 while True: click.echo("-" * 80) click.echo() for item in page: print_fn(item) last = first + len(page) - 1 click.echo("-" * 80) click.echo(f"{label} {first}-{last} of {total_count or '???'}") first = first + len(page) last = first + 1 page = list(islice(iterator, page_size)) if not page or not prompt_continue(): break def print_video(video: Video): published_at = video["publishedAt"].replace("T", " @ ").replace("Z", "") length = utils.format_duration(video["lengthSeconds"]) channel = blue(video["creator"]["displayName"]) if video["creator"] else "" playing = f"playing {blue(video['game']['name'])}" if video["game"] else "" # Can't find URL in video object, strange url = f"{video['id']}" click.secho(f"Video {video['id']}", bold=True) click.secho(video["title"], fg="green") if channel or playing: click.echo(" ".join([channel, playing])) if video["description"]: click.echo(f"Description: {video['description']}") click.echo(f"Published {blue(published_at)} Length: {blue(length)} ") click.secho(url, italic=True) click.echo() def print_video_compact(video: Video): id = video["id"] date = video["publishedAt"][:10] game = video["game"]["name"] if video["game"] else "" title = truncate(video["title"], 80).ljust(80) click.echo(f"{bold(id)} {date} {green(title)} {blue(game)}") def print_clip(clip: Clip): published_at = clip["createdAt"].replace("T", " @ ").replace("Z", "") length = utils.format_duration(clip["durationSeconds"]) channel = clip["broadcaster"]["displayName"] playing = f"playing {blue(clip['game']['name'])}" if clip["game"] else "" click.echo(f"Clip {bold(clip['slug'])}") click.secho(clip["title"], fg="green") click.echo(f"{blue(channel)} {playing}") click.echo( f"Published {blue(published_at)}" + f" Length: {blue(length)}" + f" Views: {blue(clip['viewCount'])}" ) click.secho(clip["url"], italic=True) click.echo() def print_clip_compact(clip: Clip): slug = clip["slug"] date = clip["createdAt"][:10] title = truncate(clip["title"], 50).ljust(50) game = clip["game"]["name"] if clip["game"] else "" game = truncate(game, 30).ljust(30) click.echo(f"{date} {green(title)} {blue(game)} {bold(slug)}") def prompt_continue(): enter ="Enter", bold=True, fg="green") ctrl_c ="Ctrl+C", bold=True, fg="yellow") click.echo(f"Press {enter} to continue, {ctrl_c} to break.") try: input() except KeyboardInterrupt: return False return True # Shorthand functions for coloring output def blue(text: Any) -> str: return, fg="blue") def cyan(text: Any) -> str: return, fg="cyan") def green(text: Any) -> str: return, fg="green") def yellow(text: Any) -> str: return, fg="yellow") def bold(text: Any) -> str: return, bold=True) def dim(text: Any) -> str: return, dim=True)