""" Twitch API access. """ import logging import random import time from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union import click import httpx from twitchdl import CLIENT_ID from twitchdl.entities import ( AccessToken, Chapter, Clip, ClipAccessToken, ClipsPeriod, Data, Video, VideoComments, VideosSort, VideosType, ) from twitchdl.exceptions import ConsoleError from twitchdl.utils import format_size, remove_null_values class GQLError(click.ClickException): def __init__(self, errors: List[str]): message = "GraphQL query failed." for error in errors: message += f"\n* {error}" super().__init__(message) Content = Union[str, bytes] Headers = Dict[str, str] def authenticated_post( url: str, *, json: Any = None, content: Optional[Content] = None, auth_token: Optional[str] = None, ): headers = {"Client-ID": CLIENT_ID} if auth_token is not None: headers["authorization"] = f"OAuth {auth_token}" response = request("POST", url, content=content, json=json, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 400: data = response.json() raise ConsoleError(data["message"]) response.raise_for_status() return response def request( method: str, url: str, json: Any = None, content: Optional[Content] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): with httpx.Client() as client: request = client.build_request(method, url, json=json, content=content, headers=headers) log_request(request) start = time.time() response = client.send(request) duration = time.time() - start log_response(response, duration) return response logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def log_request(request: httpx.Request): logger.info(f"--> {request.method} {request.url}") if request.content: logger.debug(f"--> {request.content}") def log_response(response: httpx.Response, duration_seconds: float): request = response.request duration = f"{int(1000 * duration_seconds)}ms" size = format_size(len(response.content)) logger.info(f"<-- {request.method} {request.url} HTTP {response.status_code} {duration} {size}") if response.content: logger.debug(f"<-- {response.content}") def gql_persisted_query(query: Data): url = "https://gql.twitch.tv/gql" response = authenticated_post(url, json=query) gql_raise_on_error(response) return response.json() def gql_query(query: str, auth_token: Optional[str] = None): url = "https://gql.twitch.tv/gql" response = authenticated_post(url, json={"query": query}, auth_token=auth_token) gql_raise_on_error(response) return response.json() def gql_raise_on_error(response: httpx.Response): data = response.json() if "errors" in data: errors = [e["message"] for e in data["errors"]] raise GQLError(errors) VIDEO_FIELDS = """ id title description publishedAt broadcastType lengthSeconds game { id name } creator { login displayName } """ CLIP_FIELDS = """ id slug title createdAt viewCount durationSeconds url videoQualities { frameRate quality sourceURL } game { id name } broadcaster { displayName login } """ def get_video(video_id: str) -> Optional[Video]: query = f""" {{ video(id: "{video_id}") {{ {VIDEO_FIELDS} }} }} """ response = gql_query(query) return response["data"]["video"] def get_clip(slug: str) -> Optional[Clip]: query = f""" {{ clip(slug: "{slug}") {{ {CLIP_FIELDS} }} }} """ response = gql_query(query) return response["data"]["clip"] def get_clip_access_token(slug: str) -> ClipAccessToken: query = { "operationName": "VideoAccessToken_Clip", "variables": {"slug": slug}, "extensions": { "persistedQuery": { "version": 1, "sha256Hash": "36b89d2507fce29e5ca551df756d27c1cfe079e2609642b4390aa4c35796eb11", } }, } response = gql_persisted_query(query) return response["data"]["clip"] def get_channel_clips( channel_id: str, period: ClipsPeriod, limit: int, after: Optional[str] = None, ): """ List channel clips. At the time of writing this: * filtering by game name returns an error * sorting by anything but VIEWS_DESC or TRENDING returns an error * sorting by VIEWS_DESC and TRENDING returns the same results * there is no totalCount """ query = f""" {{ user(login: "{channel_id}") {{ clips(first: {limit}, after: "{after or ''}", criteria: {{ period: {period.upper()}, sort: VIEWS_DESC }}) {{ pageInfo {{ hasNextPage hasPreviousPage }} edges {{ cursor node {{ {CLIP_FIELDS} }} }} }} }} }} """ response = gql_query(query) user = response["data"]["user"] if not user: raise ConsoleError(f"Channel {channel_id} not found") return response["data"]["user"]["clips"] def channel_clips_generator( channel_id: str, period: ClipsPeriod, limit: int, ) -> Generator[Clip, None, None]: def _generator(clips: Data, limit: int) -> Generator[Clip, None, None]: for clip in clips["edges"]: if limit < 1: return yield clip["node"] limit -= 1 has_next = clips["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"] if limit < 1 or not has_next: return req_limit = min(limit, 100) cursor = clips["edges"][-1]["cursor"] clips = get_channel_clips(channel_id, period, req_limit, cursor) yield from _generator(clips, limit) req_limit = min(limit, 100) clips = get_channel_clips(channel_id, period, req_limit) return _generator(clips, limit) def get_channel_videos( channel_id: str, limit: int, sort: str, type: str = "archive", game_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, ): game_ids = game_ids or [] game_ids_str = f"[{','.join(game_ids)}]" query = f""" {{ user(login: "{channel_id}") {{ videos( first: {limit}, type: {type.upper()}, sort: {sort.upper()}, after: "{after or ''}", options: {{ gameIDs: {game_ids_str} }} ) {{ totalCount pageInfo {{ hasNextPage }} edges {{ cursor node {{ {VIDEO_FIELDS} }} }} }} }} }} """ response = gql_query(query) if not response["data"]["user"]: raise ConsoleError(f"Channel {channel_id} not found") return response["data"]["user"]["videos"] def channel_videos_generator( channel_id: str, max_videos: int, sort: VideosSort, type: VideosType, game_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, Generator[Video, None, None]]: game_ids = game_ids or [] def _generator(videos: Data, max_videos: int) -> Generator[Video, None, None]: for video in videos["edges"]: if max_videos < 1: return yield video["node"] max_videos -= 1 has_next = videos["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"] if max_videos < 1 or not has_next: return limit = min(max_videos, 100) cursor = videos["edges"][-1]["cursor"] videos = get_channel_videos(channel_id, limit, sort, type, game_ids, cursor) yield from _generator(videos, max_videos) limit = min(max_videos, 100) videos = get_channel_videos(channel_id, limit, sort, type, game_ids) return videos["totalCount"], _generator(videos, max_videos) def get_access_token(video_id: str, auth_token: Optional[str] = None) -> AccessToken: query = f""" {{ videoPlaybackAccessToken( id: "{video_id}", params: {{ platform: "web", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: "site" }} ) {{ signature value }} }} """ try: response = gql_query(query, auth_token=auth_token) return response["data"]["videoPlaybackAccessToken"] except httpx.HTTPStatusError as error: # Provide a more useful error message when server returns HTTP 401 # Unauthorized while using a user-provided auth token. if error.response.status_code == 401: if auth_token: raise ConsoleError("Unauthorized. The provided auth token is not valid.") else: raise ConsoleError( "Unauthorized. This video may be subscriber-only. See docs:\n" "https://twitch-dl.bezdomni.net/commands/download.html#downloading-subscriber-only-vods" ) raise def get_playlists(video_id: str, access_token: AccessToken) -> str: """ For a given video return a playlist which contains possible video qualities. """ url = f"https://usher.ttvnw.net/vod/{video_id}" response = httpx.get( url, params={ "nauth": access_token["value"], "nauthsig": access_token["signature"], "allow_audio_only": "true", "allow_source": "true", "player": "twitchweb", "platform": "web", "supported_codecs": "av1,h265,h264", "p": random.randint(1000000, 10000000), }, ) response.raise_for_status() return response.content.decode("utf-8") def get_game_id(name: str): query = f""" {{ game(name: "{name.strip()}") {{ id }} }} """ response = gql_query(query) game = response["data"]["game"] if game: return game["id"] def get_video_chapters(video_id: str) -> List[Chapter]: query = { "operationName": "VideoPlayer_ChapterSelectButtonVideo", "variables": { "includePrivate": False, "videoID": video_id, }, "extensions": { "persistedQuery": { "version": 1, "sha256Hash": "8d2793384aac3773beab5e59bd5d6f585aedb923d292800119e03d40cd0f9b41", } }, } response = gql_persisted_query(query) return list(_chapter_nodes(response["data"]["video"]["moments"])) def _chapter_nodes(moments: Data) -> Generator[Chapter, None, None]: for edge in moments["edges"]: node = edge["node"] node["game"] = node["details"]["game"] del node["details"] del node["moments"] yield node def get_comments( video_id: str, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, offset_seconds: Optional[int] = None, ): variables = remove_null_values( { "videoID": video_id, "cursor": cursor, "contentOffsetSeconds": offset_seconds, } ) query = { "operationName": "VideoCommentsByOffsetOrCursor", "variables": variables, "extensions": { "persistedQuery": { "version": 1, "sha256Hash": "b70a3591ff0f4e0313d126c6a1502d79a1c02baebb288227c582044aa76adf6a", } }, } response = gql_persisted_query(query) return response["data"]["video"] def get_video_comments(video_id: str) -> VideoComments: query = { "operationName": "VideoComments", "variables": { "videoID": video_id, "hasVideoID": True, }, "extensions": { "persistedQuery": { "version": 1, "sha256Hash": "be06407e8d7cda72f2ee086ebb11abb6b062a7deb8985738e648090904d2f0eb", } }, } response = gql_persisted_query(query) return response["data"]