mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:32:25 +00:00
167 lines
4.1 KiB
167 lines
4.1 KiB
import click
import json
from itertools import islice
from twitchdl import utils
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, TypeVar
from twitchdl.entities import Data, Video
T = TypeVar("T")
def truncate(string: str, length: int) -> str:
if len(string) > length:
return string[:length - 1] + "…"
return string
def print_json(data: Any):
def print_log(message: Any):
click.secho(message, err=True, dim=True)
def print_table(headers: list[str], data: list[list[str]]):
widths = [[len(cell) for cell in row] for row in data + [headers]]
widths = [max(width) for width in zip(*widths)]
underlines = ["-" * width for width in widths]
def print_row(row: list[str]):
for idx, cell in enumerate(row):
width = widths[idx]
click.echo(cell.ljust(width), nl=False)
click.echo(" ", nl=False)
for row in data:
def print_paged(
label: str,
generator: Generator[T, Any, Any],
print_fn: Callable[[T], None],
page_size: int,
total_count: int | None = None,
iterator = iter(generator)
page = list(islice(iterator, page_size))
first = 1
last = first + len(page) - 1
while True:
click.echo("-" * 80)
for item in page:
last = first + len(page) - 1
click.echo("-" * 80)
click.echo(f"{label} {first}-{last} of {total_count or '???'}")
first = first + len(page)
last = first + 1
page = list(islice(iterator, page_size))
if not page or not prompt_continue():
def print_video(video: Video):
published_at = str(video.published_at.astimezone())
length = utils.format_duration(video.length_seconds)
channel = blue(video.creator.display_name) if video.creator else ""
playing = f"playing {blue(video.game.name)}" if video.game else ""
# Can't find URL in video object, strange
url = f"https://www.twitch.tv/videos/{video.id}"
click.secho(f"Video {video.id}", bold=True)
click.secho(f"{video.title}", fg="green")
if channel or playing:
click.echo(" ".join([channel, playing]))
if video.description:
click.echo(f"Description: {video.description}")
click.echo(f"Published {blue(published_at)} Length: {blue(length)} ")
click.secho(url, italic=True)
def print_video_compact(video: Data):
id = video["id"]
date = video["publishedAt"][:10]
game = video["game"]["name"] if video["game"] else ""
title = truncate(video["title"], 80).ljust(80)
click.echo(f"{bold(id)} {date} {green(title)} {blue(game)}")
def print_clip(clip: Data):
published_at = clip["createdAt"].replace("T", " @ ").replace("Z", "")
length = utils.format_duration(clip["durationSeconds"])
channel = clip["broadcaster"]["displayName"]
playing = f"playing {blue(clip['game']['name'])}" if clip["game"] else ""
click.echo(f"Clip {bold(clip['slug'])}")
click.secho(clip["title"], fg="green")
click.echo(f"{blue(channel)} {playing}")
f"Published {blue(published_at)}" +
f" Length: {blue(length)}" +
f" Views: {blue(clip['viewCount'])}"
click.secho(clip["url"], italic=True)
def prompt_continue():
enter = click.style("Enter", bold=True, fg="green")
ctrl_c = click.style("Ctrl+C", bold=True, fg="yellow")
click.echo(f"Press {enter} to continue, {ctrl_c} to break.")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return False
return True
# Shorthand functions for coloring output
def blue(text: Any) -> str:
return click.style(text, fg="blue")
def cyan(text: Any) -> str:
return click.style(text, fg="cyan")
def green(text: Any) -> str:
return click.style(text, fg="green")
def yellow(text: Any) -> str:
return click.style(text, fg="yellow")
def bold(text: Any) -> str:
return click.style(text, bold=True)
def dim(text: Any) -> str:
return click.style(text, dim=True)