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synced 2024-08-30 18:32:25 +00:00
146 lines
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146 lines
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import logging
import time
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from statistics import mean
from typing import Deque, Dict, NamedTuple, Optional
import click
from twitchdl.output import blue, clear_line
from twitchdl.utils import format_size, format_time
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TaskId = int
class Task:
id: TaskId
size: int
downloaded: int = 0
def advance(self, size: int):
self.downloaded += size
class Sample(NamedTuple):
downloaded: int
timestamp: float
class Progress:
def __init__(self, vod_count: int):
self.downloaded: int = 0
self.estimated_total: Optional[int] = None
self.last_printed: Optional[float] = None
self.progress_bytes: int = 0
self.progress_perc: int = 0
self.remaining_time: Optional[int] = None
self.samples: Deque[Sample] = deque(maxlen=1000)
self.speed: Optional[float] = None
self.tasks: Dict[TaskId, Task] = {}
self.vod_count = vod_count
self.vod_downloaded_count: int = 0
def start(self, task_id: int, size: int):
if task_id in self.tasks:
raise ValueError(f"Task {task_id}: cannot start, already started")
self.tasks[task_id] = Task(task_id, size)
def advance(self, task_id: int, size: int):
if task_id not in self.tasks:
raise ValueError(f"Task {task_id}: cannot advance, not started")
self.downloaded += size
self.progress_bytes += size
self.samples.append(Sample(self.downloaded, time.time()))
def already_downloaded(self, task_id: int, size: int):
if task_id in self.tasks:
raise ValueError(f"Task {task_id}: cannot mark as downloaded, already started")
self.tasks[task_id] = Task(task_id, size)
self.progress_bytes += size
self.vod_downloaded_count += 1
def abort(self, task_id: int):
if task_id not in self.tasks:
raise ValueError(f"Task {task_id}: cannot abort, not started")
del self.tasks[task_id]
self.progress_bytes = sum(t.downloaded for t in self.tasks.values())
def end(self, task_id: int):
if task_id not in self.tasks:
raise ValueError(f"Task {task_id}: cannot end, not started")
task = self.tasks[task_id]
if task.size != task.downloaded:
f"Taks {task_id} ended with {task.downloaded}b downloaded, expected {task.size}b."
self.vod_downloaded_count += 1
def _recalculate(self):
self.estimated_total = (
int(mean(t.size for t in self.tasks.values()) * self.vod_count) if self.tasks else None
self.speed = self._calculate_speed()
self.progress_perc = (
int(100 * self.progress_bytes / self.estimated_total) if self.estimated_total else 0
self.remaining_time = (
int((self.estimated_total - self.progress_bytes) / self.speed)
if self.estimated_total and self.speed
else None
def _calculate_speed(self):
if len(self.samples) < 2:
return None
first_sample = self.samples[0]
last_sample = self.samples[-1]
size = last_sample.downloaded - first_sample.downloaded
duration = last_sample.timestamp - first_sample.timestamp
return size / duration if duration > 0 else None
def print(self):
now = time.time()
# Don't print more often than 5 times per second
if self.last_printed and now - self.last_printed < 0.2:
click.echo(f"Downloaded {self.vod_downloaded_count}/{self.vod_count} VODs", nl=False)
click.secho(f" {self.progress_perc}%", fg="blue", nl=False)
if self.estimated_total is not None:
total = f"~{format_size(self.estimated_total)}"
click.echo(f" of {blue(total)}", nl=False)
if self.speed is not None:
speed = f"{format_size(self.speed)}/s"
click.echo(f" at {blue(speed)}", nl=False)
if self.remaining_time is not None:
click.echo(f" ETA {blue(format_time(self.remaining_time))}", nl=False)
self.last_printed = now